Starting Spartan Mk. V project

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Thanks guys!! I'll have to grab some when I get home on weds. Kinda sucks only having a day and a half per week to work on the thing :/ and thanks Anjose! I hope to see it finished period! Lol gona take forever at this rate....
Hey man your armour is coming along great!! I'm also a noob who is just starting and having trouble finding the right pep files. I was wondering if you could give me a heads up as to where you got your MK V pep files. I've looked everywhere and cant seem to find a good file besides the helmet. Oh and by the way im prolly going to be using my aromour for airsofting so what would be the strongest lightest way to make it? lots of glass or glass and bondo?
I've done some of the peping and it is really easy. i think that it's because the MKV has less detail then the others
Thanks guys! There is realy only one set of Mark V armor and its on the wiki site.
The files are really easy to pep. The part that is taking time for me is detailing because the model is all flat surfaces so I'm having to raise up the panels using mat board and bondo. If you're not too worried about that you could easily pep it, glass it, and just paint it in the colors you want. As for airsoft I have no idea. I've read that the bb's crack the surface of the armor pretty easily. I would guess that you'd have to put multiple layers of resin on the outside to the surface wouldn't crack and layer the inside with lots of fiberglass so the bb wouldn't just go right through the armor. But anyways I'm a noob to the whole thi8ng too and I think the Mark V was a good choice and I've enjoyed learning all this stuff with it!! If you decide to do one I would love to follow your progress too!! :D
thx for the link dude. and i would be glad if you followed my progress and gave me a few pointers on whT you have learned. But so far all i have done is my helmet and im getting ready to post some pics. But like i said i would appreaciate any advice you ahve on my MK V build
HI, Hotspur,
little advice, if you are not a rail thin guy (if you are, lucky!!!!) then you will most likely end up cutting up your belly plates sides belt, and be replacing it with something longer, like make your own peice, or a peice of fabric (this might be what i am doing) and you might be doing the same thing with your cod plate. And a word of advice, cut the ""thong" peice off the cod, it serves no purpose xD
Lol well Cj im 6'1'' with a 32 waist so im pretty thin so i think i will be ok. And i can see what your saying about the 'thong' piece and i will prolly still make it but not wear it when i play airsoft. My biggest question though is will the glass and resin method hold up to all the abuse. If anyone has any pointers i would be more than glad to put them to good use
k guys here a little update. put in a day on this thing today. First thing i did was trace parts i wanted to raise on to mat board and cut them out.

I put them on their pieces and resined them, sanded, resined again, sanded again....

I only got pics of the thighs, but i did this for the forearms and shins too. The stuff is way nicer to work with than cardboard!! soaks up resin nicely. But after that, I finally found the paint you guys mentioned so i sanded and painted a few of my pieces.



A little rough spot, i know, but i didnt have time to fix it cause i worked on the project up until i had to leave for the airport to head to work. The biceps are the same color as the butt piece, don't know why it doesnt match.

Anyways, felt like i got some good stuff accomplished. Stoked to get back to it on wednesday cause i have 3 days off at a time the rest of the month!!

OH, and I put the entire suit on last night and my girlfriend took a couple pics but they're on her camera. I'll post them once i get them! :cool
Lol well Cj im 6'1'' with a 32 waist so im pretty thin so i think i will be ok. And i can see what your saying about the 'thong' piece and i will prolly still make it but not wear it when i play airsoft. My biggest question though is will the glass and resin method hold up to all the abuse. If anyone has any pointers i would be more than glad to put them to good use

Hotspur, I had the same kind of idea, my friends and I possesing enough airsoft muinitions to rival the U.S. Armory. High-end stuff, too, not the cheap crap. I had an ODST chest piece made the same way I intend to go about my Mjolnir mk VI suit, and the results after a 5-foot range 5-shot burst of $200 gun was a little chipping on the inside of the resin. If you go about it with a little "beefy-ness" in mind, this stuff will definitly hold up to your abuse.

Matth, you inspire my with your epic awesomeness and amazing pepping and painting. One of the first things I did in pepakura was a Mk V helmet, and it was a load of fun. Your stuff is amazing on a professional level so far, keep up the greatness, and keep us posted!
super-uber-mega props!
Thanks guys!! :D I was really stoked when i saw the parts with paint on them!! When I get back I'm going to finish painting the parts that are ready for it, clear coat them, and start installing the led lights. Next is padding and strapping. Im getting excited seeing this thing coming together XD Hope to have a couple more pics by tonight so I will post them when i get them!
k heres a pic my gf took the other night. just wanted to put it all on and see how it fit together. slapped a bunch of duct tape on it and this is the result....

Again, this is pre-paint, detail, etc so ive done a little more since this pic. The helmet flopped over just for the pic but im not gona use the MOZ helmet anyways so that isn't even going to be part of the suit. Hows the scale of everything???
Scale looks great!! But the real question is how does it fit? And why are you going with the MOZ if you dont mind my asking im gonna go with the Rundown.
Hey Sean thanks for the heads up about the glass and resin being a good choice for airsoft. And if your ever in the neighboorhood we should hook up and play a few rounds of airsoft
It fits nice. Just need to do some trimming on the arm pieces to nake it more moveable in them. The torso might be just a tad big cause the top of the shoulders bump i8t when I move but that might just be part of ol MC being of not realistic figure. Also, I said I'm NOT using the MOZ helmet ;) my original rundown helmet warped a little and then broke when it fell off the table so I trashed it and gona redo it. This one was just for sizing XD. Gonna do the helmet last like everybody says. The rundown model doesn't need much detail work anyways.
Haha I can vouch for that. Took me ten hours to pep the rundown helmet but that is cause I was worried about getting the details.
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