Table props/displays for comming Sci Fi Valley con

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Okay boys and girls. Ashuraa has given me my marching orders that she really wants to make Sci Fi Valley con here in Altoona Pa. Her and my big show that we do each year being it is in our backyard more or less.

Well we have two tables this year. One display and One Vendor that she has already paid for. She wants to be able to have Halo Themed displays/props at our tables as well as the various pieces of armor and gear that make our costumes.
I am looking at building all of the displays out of light weight materials so they are easily transportable as well as being compact or easily disassembled for storage. I am not much of a concept or artist person so I am seriously drawing a blank here. We were thinking Helmet stands weapon racks and various halo themed goodies. And this is a two sided thing we want it to make any sale stuff that other may bring from the group look good while it is on display as well as protect it.

So folks here is what I need. First better concepts of what we want. pictures/art to show me what we are thinking and what I need to look at to figure out how to translate into a build able item. I am open to suggestions here lots of suggestions to be honest.

A lot lower on the list is once I get some things figured out and designed and not to mention my work shop cleaned out and the supplies on site. I will at that time plan a weekend or so to do a build day if anyone wants to come and help out that is within convenient drive range of the Corner of No and Where PA.

Ashuraa is really pushing trying to get the 405th deeply involved with Sci FI Valley con. And to make that happen we need as much help as we can get over the long haul. The organizer of Sci Fi has big plans and dreams and we want to get as involved as we can to be able to promote ourselves as well.
Already built props are welcomed, right?


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With any luck I'll be able to make a few helmets and maybe a few weapons to sell at the vendor table. As for the display table I can bring anything I currently have. Also, I'm looking into possibly coming down for the whole weekend this time and helping with the booths. It's not locked in place just yet,but I'll let you know.
when is it? Working on a Light Rifle right now. Nothing else ready. Still on the drawing board.
June 10th 11th and 12th this year if my memory serves me correctly.
There is a chance that I may be able to make it to this (About a 4 hour drive for me :() , so far I have my Halo Reach Assault Rifle that I made out of a nerf gun, and I got a 3D Battle Rifle and I'm going paint the BoomCo blasters to look more like a magnum. So I could bring those and I could probably make a few more out of the nerf guns and such things I have laying around my house. Not sure exactly what the criteria/expectations for props are but I'd be glad to come and bring them I don't plan on selling anything though.

June 10th 11th and 12th this year if my memory serves me correctly.

Crud!!! The 11th is a Saturday, my Sabbath. The 12th is a Jewish Holiday of Shavuot, (Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah (10 Commandments) at Mount Sinai). Logistical I might/could make the 10th. Its about a 5 hr drive...but I would only be able to stay about an hour since I would need to be back before 8pm when my Sabbath starts Friday night. I would need to leave at around 3pm and the show doesn't start till 2pm. I can't just come for an hour. Not going to be able to make it this. Sorry. If I finish anything and you can use it/ sell it, I would be more than happy to ship it to you.
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Folks. Any of you who can just come out are more than welcome. Sci Fi Valley is a growing con. Its organizer wants to eventually have it be the word for PA con's. Ashuraa and I are just trying to get the 405th involved at its base level so that we help grow the 405th and its reputation.

So simply come if you can. Dirtdives you sir do what you need to do. if it is a religious holiday for you. We do not expect you to violate your religion. Do what you need to be doing Ashuraa and I respect you for that. Hopefully the next year the days will fall when you can come.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes yes they are.
Much gratitude. Would love to attend if I could......... If I can't go, just get you something for the table at least it will be a part of me that can make it.
I am just about finished w/ my mod M6:


Needs a bit of touch-ups and to finish assembly but just about done.
I plan on attending the con with my prop building group. We will also have a table at the con for "Evanescent Props". We will be offering free cosplay repairs for cosplayers at the con and we will have several mannequins sporting some of our armors and costumes. and we will have a table for props and such. We plan on suiting up atleast one of the days in our Halo Gear to show some 405th presence. Is there a set day/ time that you would like us to suit up in Halo Gear?

As you may know, we built a weapons rack similar to those seen in Halo 4. We plan on giving that to the 405th booth for the con so our halo costumers can sore their weapons and such in it. It is mostly done, but could use a good bit of detailing. We would love to get together to work on it to get it ready for the con. If you would like us to take it to you (Kusak3 and ashuraa) we would be more than willing. We won't get around to it until Spring, but it you would like it for the 405th, it's all yours. Just let us know and we will haul it out to you.

We plan on having a Halo 4 Master Chief, an ODST, a Halo 4 Spartan, and possibly one or two of our other spartans if we decide to bring those costume along and if there is room at our booth to display them. We have a variety of other props that we would be able to put at the 405th table if you would like them. If you want any of the following Halo props at the 405th booth, just let me know and we will plan on bringing them for the 405th booth. I will probably build more by the time the convention comes around.
11821178_1488478001464211_1598711202_n.jpg Halo 5 Battle Rifle
IMG_20151115_160214.jpg Halo 5 Nornfang
IMG_20150819_165005.jpgHalo 3 spiker
11950521_1597209287210583_203726451_n.jpgHalo 4 turret (minus the stand)
MyCollage_11.png The Halo 4 carbine. I would like to put this one at the booth either way if possible, being that it was laser cut by another 405th member and was used in Doc Daileys Sci-Fi valley con panel he did on prop making last year., it just seems like it would belong there.
smg.jpg Halo 3 silenced smg. It got a new paint job to match the armor of one of our suits since this picture was taken. It's still the smg though lol.

Also if anyone wants any of these to carry around at the con, just stop by whatever booth they are at and just ask, I am more than willing to lend out my props to anyone who would like to carry them around at the con! Or lemme know ahead of time which you would wanna run around with and I will set them aside for you!
I'll be there, probably manning both the 1701st Fleet table, and the 405th table. Now that I'll have a full set of armor, I just need a day that we're all suiting up, and I'll be in armor wandering that day. :D I will have another helmet that's fleshed out by that time, and maybe a prop or two.
I'll be there all 3 days, and all 3 days in and out of my armor so any day would work for me. My guess would be Sat. for suit up, as that's when the most people are there.
I am thinking Saturday myself. Steve we will need to get together on the weapons rack. I have some images of a Halo weapons locker that I was going to work on.. I am hoping to have the ODST I had last year on display and to be wearing my Spartan MK 6. I Have a lot of work to get done on it still not to mention getting ashuraa to start sewing my undersuit. I have all but the thighs and cod pieces built. Just need to do a lot of finish work up on all of the other pieces.

I Have all of the days off for the con. But Ashuraa is now having problems at her work. It appears they want to do inventory that week and she is having a struggle on if she is going to be able to get the days off.

Not to mention we are both kind of struggling on motivation right now . May have to get together with those local to get our tails back in over drive.
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