The Doctors Projects (pics)

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Whoa how!? You said easily fixable! and, by chance, are you gonna be completing all of those peps? That's a lot of work lol. Hope you can salvage that helmet dude.
Where did you get that Pep file might I ask? It looks like you used the same pep file as I did, but I'm not certain. Mine did warp in several of the same places, and much the same way. unless something not in the photo happened, you can definitely salvage it.
Some possibilities off of the top of my head

1) Do you know if the glue reacted with your resin?
2) If you used a hot glue, a heavy use of hardener can soften it sometimes
3) It may be that you simply did not use enough resin layers, and the structure was not strong enough
4) I think that IS the file I used for my pep as I look at the photos more. Don't let it discourage you, that thing is not as structurally sound as many other files.
Cease and desist with this defeatist attitude! I look to all of you for inspiration to make my own armor. If you guys say it can't be done then what chance have I got? Don't give up Doc. In fact, photograph the whole thing and move on. Then you can put it in one of those updates where there is the EUREKA! moment when everything becomes clear and a huge piece of the puzzle falls into place. Papercraft is a wonderfully fun hobby and when it can be made into something as big and real as Halo armor...well...good heavens man!

Stay with it Doc. D'ya hear?
Sorry to hear the thing fell apart. What kind of glue were you using? I've not had any problems like this before, and I live near the water in Rhode Island where it can be pretty hot, really humid, or really cold, and really dry, or any logical combo of the 4. I slap on the resin on the inside, THICK, and from the bottom first because nobody really cares what the inside looks like all that much, it helps with sanding, and the lower layers support the higher ones. Gravity sucks.

Keep at it though! Your pep work looks tight, way better than mine has ever been.
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