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  • I have had 2 weddings and some holiday madness...armor got put on the shelf for a bit. In am going to pick it up after the new year, thanks for checking up on me!
    I apologize for not replying sooner; grad school has gotten the best of my time. But yes, it's nice to know I'm not alone!
    okay this is how it's going to work when you shot your line's and only your line wait five seconds, plus put a green screen in the back use a white table or a table cloth once you've got your lines down send them to me and i'll peice it together, and send it back with my have put in then all you have to do is the VFX's stuff, it's super easy.
    check your e-mail for the document i sent you, and i'll try and piece together the two then send it back and let you do the VFX's. okay.
    hey man long time no see well not that long thanks to e-mail but sorry about not sending in a video, my e-mail said the files to big to send and it won't let me upgrade my upload so now i'm stuck with my haft of the trailer and i don't know if you've got your haft done yet, i hope you did.
    oh that was just a spam bot that got into the site the problem was taken care of. oh and if it keeps coming up get microsofts secuity enssteals it the best thing for it.
    hey man, long time no see, okay great new i got haft the cast, most of the rigs done, and now i'm down to the wire with halo 4 but i'm good.

    but hows things coming along with the rogue haven't seen an update in a while.
    Gonna start the chest next, i start with the MarkVI base piece and it I want to "upgrade" to the CQB, its an attachment to the MarkVI piece right?
    So after i get the helmet all glued together, resin the outside first, fiber glass the inside with 2-3 layers.
    So I got 110 lb card stock, is this good or should I go lighter, I have a hardcore printer at my disposal, so I'm not too worried about my printer handling it. Also, should I be using fiber glass matting or fiber glass weave? And last, what is the best resin to harden the card stock, or should I just rondo it right off the bat?
    So, my thoughts on my build. I'm thinking I want to start with the helmet. I kinda want to match my reach spartan so I want the CQB helm. It looks almost as difficult as the hiyabusa, but that may just be me seeing this as a daunting task I have decided to take on.

    I would like tips on the best ways to make my helmet fit right so proper scaling is my biggest worry.

    Last (at least for now) is why does a lot of armor I've seen here seem very thick, my understanding is the fiberglass is very thin.
    I don't think I do but thank you for the offer! The noob forums really have helped me out!
    I don't have any monet to start anything at the moment but when I do I'll get the supplies I need and start making it from the link you gave me. I'll keep you posted.
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I am a visual effects artist on my way to making my first suit of armor.

Adobe After Effects
May 24, 1994 (Age: 30)
Look behind you.
Self Employed visual effects for TVFilms Productio


--->>>>"Trusting in Jesus"<<<<---
--->>>>Hazop Reach build: In Progress<<<<---