FoamShep build for ME3 launch

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Well since it's too cold to do much resin work, I decided to do another project till it warms up. Seeing as the ME3 launch is starting to close in, I decided to build the N7 suit. Since the release is less than a month away, I'm going to be working, and most likely updating nightly.
I will also be streaming the whole process over at if you wanna stop by and see how its going.
Most likely I'll start the cast around 1pm EST on Friday - Sunday and around 7:30pm EST Monday - Thursday


Hobby knife
Tons of blades
Black EVA foam with woven textaure (mimicks carbon fiber very well)
Red craft foamies
Hotglue and glue gun
White paint (Not sure exactly which type yet, still testing)
Heat gun

#######Day 0########​

Foam arrived and was super excited about it until I realized that I ordered black foam and not grey. Minor set back, so I decided I would do a custom color of primarily black with red inserts. Should turn out just fine.


Then spent the rest of the day getting and scaling templates. The front and back templates were from Volpin's website ( while all the other templates were from the joint effort of Ithica and Yodajammies (Mass effect templates). Scaled them to my body and got them pretty darn accurate.

Well, I'm off to go cast, so I will update the thread later tonight once its over. Hope to see you there. Happy building!
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Thanks Thorn. Its not gonna be easy, but I think I can get it done in time.

#######Day 1########​

Day one went pretty well, minus a mishap or two (the rigging for my webcam decided to fall over mid cast). Most of the front chest piece put together, the details cut into it and it bent somewhat to my shape. All it needs is the inserts on the chest, the backing to the ab plate and the N7 tag. Strapping is a whole other beast that I'll tackle near the end of the week lol. Anyways, on to pictures.




The last picture was my first attempt at the forearm, I forgot to compensate for the foam and so it was a really tight fit. I also failed to notice that my back armor scaled wrong. The main back plate was about an inch and a half too big so I have to fix that tonight. I'll probably do the forearms and if I can get to it, start the main back.
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This is looking great so far! I am constantly amazed at how fast a build moves when people use foam. I guess it helps to skip the bondo-sanding-repeat cycle. Are you planning to use Elwire lighting effects like volpin too?

The 405th is getting to be a bad influence on me. I found the 405th when I was looking for ways to build stormtrooper armour. Then I got blown away by the Mjolnir armour so I decided to play the Halo games for the first time. Now I see these Mass Effect builds and I am really tempted to get the trilogy (and build the armour and weapons of course). This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't trying to get through University... I'm going to have to find some self-control to not buy the games until summertime.

Sorry about going off-topic there, this is looking like it will be a great build. I will be following along for the ride. Can't wait to see the finished product, it already looks great! Are you going to a midnight launch?
Mass Effect is a brilliant series. I'm finishing up ME2 right now and doing my best to stay away from spoilers for ME3. >_<

The Amor looks great so far. Handy that you have the templates. I'm sure that makes things easier for you.
This is looking great so far! I am constantly amazed at how fast a build moves when people use foam. I guess it helps to skip the bondo-sanding-repeat cycle. Are you planning to use Elwire lighting effects like volpin too?

The 405th is getting to be a bad influence on me. I found the 405th when I was looking for ways to build stormtrooper armour. Then I got blown away by the Mjolnir armour so I decided to play the Halo games for the first time. Now I see these Mass Effect builds and I am really tempted to get the trilogy (and build the armour and weapons of course). This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't trying to get through University... I'm going to have to find some self-control to not buy the games until summertime.

Sorry about going off-topic there, this is looking like it will be a great build. I will be following along for the ride. Can't wait to see the finished product, it already looks great! Are you going to a midnight launch?

Thanks Nessy! Coming from the traditional pep way, this is a HUGE confidence boost seeing a piece this far along in this amount of time. I will most likely be using EL wire to do the lighting. Think Im gonna settle with white EL wire, should make the balck suit stand out more and vice versa.

I am going to a midnight launch infact! One of my fellow coworkers also works at the game stop across the street from my college. I won't be there to actually get a copy probably, just there to have a good time mostly.

Mass Effect is a brilliant series. I'm finishing up ME2 right now and doing my best to stay away from spoilers for ME3. >_<

The Amor looks great so far. Handy that you have the templates. I'm sure that makes things easier for you.

Thanks Roxy, truth be told, I never got around to playing ME2. I deleted my ME 1 save file and then a week later they announced ME2 along with the save files transfering over and I was like "...well...crap..." lol. I'll most likely pick it up before the launch though.

I am so luckly I found the templates, because with out them, I would have spent, at the very least a day, drawing them out.

Nice work man, coming along nice and swift :)

Thanks Drack! Your foam builds are amazing and they inspire me to do the best I can with this build.

looks good!

10/10+two thumbs up.

Thank Tyvern!

#######Day 2########​

Unfortunately, do to getting home kinda late and have extra school work I didn't get much done. I did, how ever, have time to rescale the main back plate, shoulders and gauntlet so when I get home tonight, it's all ready to be cut and bent. I'm also gonna head over to Goodwill and pick up some strapping and clips later today (great tip I learned from the EvilFX/Bioweapons blog). Definetly will have progress pictures up tomorrow!
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#######Day 3########​
Was able to get about two hours worth of work in last night. In that time I was able to get the mid-back plate cut the grooves made in it. Cut and bent the forearms into somewhat of a proper shape as well. They aren't holding there shape completely, but I think one I get the elastic glued in it'll be fine. Also went to Goodwill yesterday and bought a bunch of bags to harvest the straps, clips and buckles from. So that'll probably be my project for tonight. Feel like I've hit a brick wall (figuratively and literally), but I think getting back to work will fix that lol. On to pictures.



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########Day 4 -7##########​

Haven't had much time to work on the suit much do to school and work, but I have gotten some done, so I thought I would update.

Day 4: Spent the night dissecting bags to harvest straps, Velcro and whatever else I thought useful. Got a pretty good haul all in all, and it was only about $10. th_photobucket-9222-1329361444940.jpg

Day 5: Was only able to get some templates done that day. Ended up scratch making the inner should and back pack pieces to better fit the suit.

Day 6&7: Got a good chunk of work done today. Completely finished the gauntlets today (not sure if I'm gonna paint it or not). The details were a but tough to do and a tip for anyone doing them, you may want to attach them first, and then carve the detail. That way the lines line up exactly. Also strapped the chest piece to the main back plate allowing me to actually be able to wear it. Feels really good, and helped me find a few more spots that need work.

Once I get this essay done for class. I'll be able to get cracking again on this suit. Until then, thanks for looking!
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Awesome foam work man. This is progressing nicely.:)

Thanks vshore! I didn't care to much for foam at first, but after I did the first piece I thought "I could get used to this" lol.


Thanks Chark! Your suit came out really nice as well.

EPIC!!! R u doing the helmet as well?

Thanks Keith! Not sure yet. If time permits, possibly. A weapon is a bit higher on the priority list atm, but I may do a helmet for when I wear it to a convention (gotta protect my identity ;) lol )
The suit is going great! Do you have a particular weapon in mind yet? Or are you still debating? I'd go for the M8 Avenger, but that's just me. Good luck on your essay!!!
The suit is going great! Do you have a particular weapon in mind yet? Or are you still debating? I'd go for the M8 Avenger, but that's just me. Good luck on your essay!!!

Thanks Nessy. No, I don't have one particular weapon yet. If I can get my hands on some orange acrylic, I may make an Omni Blade for Momocon. I'm also not to familiar with the weapons so I need to give them a once over before I choose one lol.

########Day 8########​

Finished up a rough versions of the shoulders last night. About midway through the cast I decided to accent them with some of the red craft foam I got. Needless to say, I think it looks fantastic, and even cooler with the lights threaded through it. But don't take my word for it, look for yourself.




They were only roughly sanded with the dremal, I still need to do a bit of hand sanding to get them smooth. I'm also thinking about using something to diffuse the light a bit on the back, so if anybody has any kind of ideas I would love to hear them. You can also see the start of the back pack thing as well, which should be finished by tonight. Welp, I gotta get back to work. Thanks for looking and I'll see you next update!
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Light diffusers.... how wide is the opening? I've heard of people using hot glue, but only for small openings. What I would try is a piece of clear plastic sheet. Frosted would be ideal, but you can rub clear plastic with fine grit sand paper to give yourself a nice frosted surface. You'll need to do a bit of trial and error to figure out what works best. If I come up with any other ideas I'll let you know.

I've seen a few people using that lighting wire now, how easy is it to work with? Would you recommend it?
The opening is to large to use hot glue, but I will definitely use the clear plastic sheet idea. Another member suggested I try some of the frosted clear spray on clear plastic sheet. I'll give both of them a shot (along with anything else I can think of) this weekend. I enjoy EL wire, its pretty bright and extremely flexible. If you have a fairly large surface and not much experience soldering LEDs, it works fairly well. Two things to know though: 1) its very thin (2.3mm) 2) The battery pack controller has a high pitch whine to it when its turned on. Its not really to noticeable unless you put your ear right to it.
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