theBR1T1SHkid's Halo: Reach multiplayer build

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Jr Member
I started work a month ago on my Halo: Reach multiplayer spartan build, and I think I finally have enough progress to start a thread. So lets get to it!

This is what he will somewhat look like when this project is done, but with a few differences. I plan to remove the collar from the chest, but keep the breacher shotgun part. The ODST shoulder pads are yet to be confirmed, and the maroon primary will be darker. I have a few other ideas formulating in my head, but i will have to see what becomes of them.

I decided the best way to introduce myself to pepping was to make something simple. Credit to Ruze789 for the Spartan III Knee I made from some 80GSM paper I had lying around. I think it came out rather well.

I think it came out rather well and it was going to be a few weeks before I would get the chance to get some 110gsm paper, so i made an ODST shoulder (credit to Kirrou) and CQC shoulder (credit to Ruze789) in my wait for some more practice.


Some of the details didn't hold up well on them, but it helped me learn some good skills.
I got the 110gsm paper, and it was time to make the Mark VI helmet (Credit to DF4L).

I decided to make it in several large 'segments' that could all connect. That was good for most of the helmet, but not the top. And the fruits of my labour (sorry there aren't many progress pics, will try to take some more next time):

(Please ignore the sheets, got them out for winter and have had them for many years now)

I think it looks pretty symmetrical :)

Staring up at my nice Reach poster above my bed
Of course, everything has its fair share of problems:



All of them shouldn't be too noticeable after some bondo.
Sorry for the double post, but I maxed out on the picture limit: I will endeavor to not do this again.
A few days later, time to begin the chest. I used the Reach Chest by BMcClain.

Just trying to size the chest right. The first one was too small and the second one fit, but i thought the Pepakura dimensions with the second scale were huge, so I ended up making it about half way between the two.

This part was very, very annoying. Had to do some improvising here, but i think i saved it.

The only progress pic I managed to snap :( but I made the front and back separate for practice fitting.

Many days later, it was done :D

I prefer the huge pillars on either side of the Spartan II back, so I might end up doing some customizing here.


Here is one thing I was unsure of. The first picture is how it sits on me, the second has a pen between my chest and the armor to make it stick out more. I think the second pic is how it is supposed to look, but was just unsure.

(Someone trying to look tough). All my armor so far.
There are a few bits left over for the chest that i will add closer to resining. Also, please just ignore my face: I hate photographs and so does it :)
I am currently on holidays so I hope phone up and go to a shooting range to pick up some empty shotgun cartridges for the breacher chest attachment.
Any thought, queries or creative criticism is welcome
Until next time
Hey really nice progress! Good clean pep work. Only one thing that I think may be an issue is the helmet, these helmets tend to warp more easily during the resin stage so I would suggest adding some support struts for stability.
Other than that nice job!
I look forward to seeing your progress :)
these helmets tend to warp more easily during the resin stage so I would suggest adding some support struts for stability.

The sir is quite right. My suggestion? Chopsticks! (Not my idea, comes from one of the brilliant minds on the 405th, whose username is eluding my memory right now :/)

The brim will probably wrap and distort under the effects of the resin, so use something to hold it in place! it would be a shame to see such a cleanly pep'd helmet go to waste.
Halo-airsoft92 : thanks man, I am going to add the paper visor when I resin for more support as well as some chopsticks or smilar supports
ZMX : thanks aswell, I will definately add chopsticks or something similar (maybe some kebab sticks with the sharp ends cut off) to my resin shopping list :)


Well, I have had a bit of time and although I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, my 11 month deadline gives be a bit of slack. I worked on a forearm (I think it's the right one) by BMcClain. It was a good file, but at the size I made it it became quickly apparent that it was quite short and a bit too fat. Never the less, I finished it:


Me wearing the forearm. It seems short but big on me. I couldn't get it to sit nicely at all :angry
I spent some more time looking around and have coma accross another forearm by Altair651. I am in the process of pepping it and will hopefully have some pics soon, but i can say this: I am liking it more than this one :)
Until next time
your pep build is very clean !! great job.

the torso is for me the most difficult piece of the armor i'haven't start it yet
looks clean, your right with the chest, it does need to stick out more. I originally used that chest template for my foam build but it was too skinny even with scaling up, and a lot of people go for what I call the "skinny look" but the spartans in reach (old school spartans) and in general all spartans are "super human" so the skinny look doesn't lend to realism in the halo universe as they're pretty bulky guys. Obviously you need it to suit your bodies build but still at the same time look big. If you check out my build thread you might get some ideas for how the bulkiness could look if you wanted it too, or if youd prefer a smaller scale that down to your preference.

All looks good my man keep it up! :D
First off: thank you all for your input and comments, it means a lot to me :)


Finally got my laptop back (sent it away to be fixed and they sent it back claiming they couldn't find the problems. A week later, and the problems arise). Anyways, I have been a bit busy lately and have made a new forearm which is much better (pictures will be uploaded soon). The only problem is I cant remember what i scaled it to, so I might have to make two more of the same file. With the chest, I think i will make a better file: I have looked around and seen some where the chest seems to stick out on its own and look much bulkier. Buying a respirator in the next few weeks, then full steam ahead with resin. This project is moving very slowly, but that's okay because my deadline is in ten months time

Until next time
Very nice progress man! I can tell as this continues your pep get's better and better. The forearm piece you're unsure of looks like it is long enough and it may seem bulky but I think with some internal padding it would be proportionate to everything else you'll finish in pep, but that's just me. Keep up the good work.
Kinggoobero: personally it was quite short and very wide and lacked the detail I wanted, but thank you :)

And now, those promised photographs of the new forearm


Yes, there are some gaps in the forearm. There were supposed to be some sticky-out bits there, but i didn't personally like them that much so i will just put some plain paper there instead and smooth it out with some bondo down the track. FInished printing my new chest file and with 200 pieces it might be a little while until my next update

Until next time
MikyVengeance: thanks man, really means a lot :)

Small update time:

Seeing as the forums are back up and I can report my huge amounts of progress, I must disappoint you with no pictures and not a huge amount of progress. I am remaking the chest: the creator is not coming to mind, but will be mentioned with the pictures. The file is about 200 pieces and 30 pages of paper. All cut out, just scoring and glueing left to go.

Until next time
I am so glad you decided to use the forearm file you did. The original one you pepped was developed months before Reach was released, and they are far from accurate.

Also glad to hear that you're redoing the torso, since the other one seemed a bit large on you (the parts under your arms should come down to about the bottom of your rib cage), and was also developed in the game's infancy when accurate files were few (although I seem to recall that this was one of the better ones).

Great job on what you have so far! I look forward to seeing how this progresses.
carpathiavh99: wow...never expected in my wildest dreams to have a Moderator comment on my thread, time to seriously up my game :p
Thank you for the comments, I went through my other pep files and they all seem to have been made before the release of Reach so I will have to grab some newer ones when I get some time
Looking good, You're pep is getting better with each part that you do. It's good to see that you decided to go with the newer file now, They will look allot better for you.
Thorn: thanks man, I am very happy with the look of the new files :)

Update Time:

Well, I know it has been a very long time. I have been working on my armor, very slowly but still working. I have made that new chest file I mentioned and have some pictures. I have almost finished cutting out the pieces for my cod. I currently have exams, but after that I have two months of holidays to smash out this build.



A few notes on the chest: this is the file by <insert creator here>. The file on my computer is simply called "Reach Torso V3" so I am very sorry for not knowing who made this, if anyone happens to know whose file it is feel free to mention and I will give credit where credit is due: awesome file by the way :) . Yes it does fit, I tried it on before gluing the front and back together but forgot to take some pictures. It currently sits on a padded coat hanger from my fan and all I have left to do is add the five support pieces inside it.

Until next time
*Salutes* greetings spartan ! glad to hear that you are going for the spartans :D we need more of them ...

As far as i see is that you have a steady and accurate hand ... really nice pep job there... and im glad that you managed to oversee the loss and move on related to the chest.

Well keep up the good work mate !

PigBenis: thank you man :)

Update time:

It's been a long time and not a huge amount of work has been done but the pace is finally picking up. No pictures today sorry, but I have finished pepping the other forearm, almost finished pepping one of the upper arms and have resined and fiberglassed the helmet. I'm picking up a dremel, sandpaper and bondo today and hopefully will begin using this on the helmet in the next few days.

Until next time, live long and prosper
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