Group Organization

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Active Member
Member DIN
There's been a pretty cool discussion and idea being tossed around the Southern Regiment about a flag. I got to wondering about group organization, so I'll post it here and if needs to be moved then feel free to move it.

My thought was this. We have Regiments that encompass large geographical area. I was wondering if we maybe create or suggest some smaller units like garrisons and squads. I've been looking and researching joining the 501st, and they have something along those lines. For the 501st, a garrison encompasses a particular state/province with squads sometimes used to encompass local regions or cities.

This is how we could orgainze the 405th using me as an example. I live in Florida, so I would be apart of the Southern Regiment, Florida Garrison, and maybe Emerald Coast/Panhandle squad.

What are your thoughts? Has this been discussed before? Is it something worth mentioning or suggesting?
It has been discussed by upper management to a point. There are pros and cons for having them. I know Art has stated that any orginization would grow organically by the users of the site. I have no doubt that such will grow eventually, but at this point the regiments are still so new, and they have not even given us the rules of being official regiments. I say give it a bit till they have fully fleshed out the rules till we get into the more tiny details.
That's strange and sad. I don't pretend to know anything, but I would guess setting guidelines for group organization shouldn't be too hard. The regiments are good for large geographical areas and for representing the 405th at very large functions. Being in the south, Dragon*Con comes to my mind. Maybe only 1 or 2 people as point of contacts and organizers at the regiment level.

The garrison and squad would be were you get more personal contact.

We can look at other groups to see how they do it. Obviously, the 501st comes to mind, but I've seen Ghostbuster groups organized in a similar fashion. Of course this maybe a better discussion at the regiment level.
Regiments are still relatively new for the 405th, we're still working out the kinks and taking the ideas and opinions of those that want to see their regiment grow. Once the top brass as decided on how to incorporate smaller groups(battalions, garrisons, squads) then we'll get the ball moving but for now we actually have a Regiment and pretty sweet one at that :) lol

Once you hit 50 post, message me and we'll get you into the Southern Regiment.
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