Murf's ODST Build starting progress and ideas

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Hey 405th! This is Murf, I've been a member of the Midwest Regiment since november of last year and its been a long time coming but i am finally starting building my armor for this november in Youmacon in Detroit. I have had a couple ideas floating around in my head for a while on what it is I wanted to build, since my armor I built last year was a total bust. I think what I am going to be building is an ODST variant based off of a few bits of concept art and some ideas I've had. Basically what I am thinking was an experimental odst armor type similar to the recon ODST stuff dare wore, but with a more in-between look of regular ODST with more recon parts added on almost experimental. Like an ONI specialist feel or something of the like...

Something along the lines of this: IMG_8127.JPG and this: IMG_8128.JPG these are just a couple rough sketches of some ideas

I want it to look like it had a base of an ODST helmet, but had an upgraded visor and some extra parts like possible long range goggles and the commander com box like the one in Reach.

Ive started building the pep file of the ODST helmet that rundown provided in the file archive (thanks it looks great!) and after i get it finished I'm going to apply a light coat of resin and begin chopping and modifying areas of the helmet to fit the style i want to create.

Here is my progress so far with the pep: IMG_8129.JPG

I'll keep this updated as i make more progress but for now feel free to tell me what you think!
Youmacon eh? I might see you there. Still not 100% sure if I will be going or not. We shall see. I went for my first time last year and it was a blast! Would be nice to have some more ODST's with the group though. ;)
I got my room the other day, just finished all the painting, need to finish strapping and how to attach my combat backpack to the back of my plate carrier oh most importantly of all order my weapon!
Yeah!! Im excited to see everyone at youmacon this year too, I did my first halo cosplay ever last year for it (it was a mess and it fell apart but I've learned a TON since joining the 405th) i try to go to youma every year though its the only con i ever make it to... :D

Also for the midwest thing i think you have to contact the midwest regiment's runner and ask them to add you to the regiment, they should be able to approve you to it but I'm not really sure but that is where I would start
awsome thanks, i should have some photos up soon of my build progress, got some up already but there are some pieces that had to get redone! are you using foam or pep for the actual suit. i saw the pep for the helmet.
I am super excited to hear that! I would love to see how your armor turns out! Also what weapon are you thinking of running? (I am still trying to figure out which one i want to build myself lol)

Yeah I am going to do pep for mine, then resin it and bondo it to make it nice and smooth, but I'm also going to use a bunch of other stuff to add on like i just got a tactical vest with mag pouches and molle strap slots so like i am going to make all my armor pieces strap to the vest there and i am going to probably build regular thigh and shin armor but maybe add like a holster to it, haha yeah its like a big work in progress as i am going along!
well since i dont have the ability to cast resign a weapon and when it comes to doing a foam weapon i have tried it and it backfired big time i am going to have one commisioned in the next couple of weeks from etsy, halo 4 BR i found one that is 3d printed and for like $200 plus shipping fully painted.

- - - Updated - - -

keep this thread updated with pics of your progress! cant wait to see the finished product and the pain and pleasure along the way!
That is awesome! Ive wanted to get a 3d printed item for a while, the process fascinates me, but especially prop weapons because they look to be a real pain to build! :D but I totally will keep updating this thread, this project is gonna be a pain to build but I'm gonna give it my all!
i have been working on mine since about mid april early may, and mine is a foam build following DFT on facebook or aka dafrontline trooper.
Update! So I got around to the back of the odst helmet to find out that it won't fit and i scaled it improperly :facepalm But good news! I did properly rescale it this time so i just got to start over on the helmet.

As for the rest I did manage to whip out the dare style chest plate real quick today! I placed it on my vest for size and i think i might beef it up a little with some cardboard and make some braces once it dries enough to make it more even but so far here it is: IMG_8136.JPG
I should have some free time this weekend to work on the helmet so i'll keep this updated as that comes along.
that looks awsome, i just finished mounting all my pices on my plate carrier today will have pics up in my thread later tonight when i get home from work, alo got my backpack mounted as well without having to cut the shoulder straps! that is really nice pep work. sucks about the helmet though:(
YEAH! I can't wait to see how your armor came out! Haha yeah the new helmet takes up 30+ pages to pep its pretty intimidating lol, but at least I have it figured out this time!
Hopefully I will have it done, or at least the majority of pep work done by the end of august, but the whole suit will probably be done just in time for the con because I'm sure this won't be the last issue i run into haha!
Sorry on the lack of updates this past week, life got in the way, haven't made much progress with anything physical yet besides another pepakura mistake that really didn't go anywhere in the build... Regardless I do have a more finalized sketch of what armor i am going to work towards building.
Here is the sketch: IMG_8140 copy.JPG
I am looking to build a specialized ODST build with some CQB custom parts somewhere between Dutch and Dare's armor style, a little of both.
Also I am planning to use my old ODST helmet I made last year for a base because it is already built and resined enough to start messing with, Im going to trim that up, slim it down because it is just a bit too wide and way too tall, remake parts foe the visor area and bond it asap! That should save me some time to play catch up on the rest of my minor armor pieces!
Also I decided since I am going to be doing CQB i want to build a weapon hopefully if I can get it together in time, something heavy but close range. I want to do either an M90 shotgun more along the halo 1 styling, mainly because i just think it looks slick :lol, that or something more interesting like the railgun ir the grenade launcher. It all depends on timing and how far my armor can progress but ill keep that updated!


its been a little while but I finally had enough free time to start working in cardboard and i have some partial gauntlets started and templets set for hip and crotch plates to cut! When I get home ill tack the gauntlets together with some glue and post a couple pictures. Its a rough build so far but with my time constraints and me starting college in a week i have to basically freehand all my work but it is considerably faster! Also my helmet is taped off and i just need to start cutting to slim the size up, re-enforce it with new cardboard pieces, build the new visor area, and add some minor details in cardboard before i can resin it and get to bond! Keep an eye out for updates with pictures soon!

:update again:

Here is my progress, i cut down and shortened my old pep'd helmet from last year by about an inch and started the visor placement stuff! its rough to say the least lol but once i get it all finished and re sculpted to my liking ill get it re-resined and bondo out the details smooth!

Here it is so far: IMG_8165.JPG

Ill update this again with more detail soon, I'm currently adding more details to the helmet and working on some gauntlets and waist armor pieces. ill update them as soon as i have them together! :unsure


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I know this is frowned upon and i do apologize for it but I am going to triple post. (at least it is on my personal thread so it should be okay but if not i will have it deleted!) Basically I haven't really had any updates in a while on my armor build but i have gotten little things done in my very very spare free time! But more importantly I would like some feedback on my progress so far on weather or not it is looking all right or if things are looking off.

First things first I have had to scrap a lot of pieces and ideas because of time restraints, basically i have a little over a month left to finish my cosplay before youmacon and I can only seem to find a few hours to work each week! :wacko But so far I scrapped my helmet. It was just way too big! didn't fit my armor at all! and i scrapped the dare style chest piece because I have an older one that is already pepped and resined! All i need to do is bondo it and paint it! I also got in a few odds and ends to pretty much tie up the upper torso! I have used the old football pads I used last year as under bulk for the torso and some more streamlined shoulder armor! I have to say it actually looks pretty good especially since i trimmed some parts off and used it to make some bulky left side shoulder plating!

Here is that progress: IMG_8231.JPGIMG_8233.JPGIMG_8234.JPG even threw my odst patch on the shoulder, ill adhere it later!

Next, I've decided to focus on demo/cqb for this build but I've been really short on time to be able to make a larger prop weapon but i still wanted something fun to log around so I decided to make a little something! Ive started destroying an old nerd gun from the local goodwill but soon i think even with very little modification I think I can crank out a cool little M363 REMOTE PROJECTILE DETONATOR or the sticky detonator! It was my second favorite weapon of 4 next to the railgun which is what i originally wanted to build but this will be much faster!
here is my progress on that so far! IMG_8212.JPG
I hope to finish that like next week hopefully!

From there I also found an old detonator prop my dad had made back in the 80's for an alarm clock he had, it looks pretty neat and lights up though the alarm doesn't work anymore, basically it looks like another little thing I can sling onto the cosplay to make it a little more unique! I think its neat at least! IMG_8251.JPGIMG_8252.JPG

Finally i have some little odds and ends i am going to try to work on tomorrow such as waist crotch and butt plates and hopefully some shin armor, i am thinking of modifying some hockey guards...

So what do you think, is it starting to come together? I really want to have something together in time but its been a wild ride so far!
Looking good buddy, I just finished mines about a week ago, I just got my rifle in the mail today! Keep up the good work we will be dropping feet first into youmacon in less than 60 days!!!!!!
Alright youmacon! just finished my odst build and hope to see you there!

I love how you are making this your own instead of copy and pasting onc found online. Takes a lot of creativity and imagination. good work!
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