Props Truth and Reconciliation - CCS Covenant Battle Cruiser

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Hello 405th!

Glad to be posting again! It's been over a year since my last thread. But no worries, I've got another project underway, one that I've been pondering since 2005. So, let's get started and I must say, It's good to be back ;)

Truth and Reconciliation - The Beginnings of a Covenant Armada

[/url] CCS Class Cruiser 1 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

Some time ago I posted a thread about Halo starship models. I had constructed three 2-3ft styro-foam models. (Here's a link for those who are interested -

Well, needless to say, I had a falling out with my creations. They were too big, too awkward, and frankly poorly made for my taste. I scrapped them and took about a year long sabbatical from Halo armor/prop building. Then, while looking through some of my Halo literature a couple months ago, I found a very nice photo of the Forerunner Dreadnought, the center piece of events during Halo 3. Using some styrene, also known as model plastic, I constructed a 1 foot model of my SECOND favorite Halo starship.

[/url] Forerunner Dreadnought by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

I was surprised at the ease of the build. So, I thought, maybe this is how I can build my FIRST and foremost favorite Halo starship, the Covenant CCS Battlecruiser. More specifically, the infamous Truth and Reconciliation. So, without any further stalling, let's begin!

Part 1

This build consists primarily of model styrene, balsa wood, and a neat clay called Apoxie Sculpt. Using numerous reference photos and scaled templates I start with base of the Reconciliation.

[/url] Cruiser 001 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

This was probably the hardest part. Not so much the "making of" but the "planning of". Unlike UNSC vehicles and vessels where most of the dimensions are flat and geometric, Covenant tech has a more smooth organic construction. So, deciding the shape of the base was a little touch and go, but so far I'm confident with my choice.

[/url] Cruiser 002 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

Using balsa wood, I begin the top profile of the Reconciliation. A simple file and some 100grit sandpaper makes shaping a quick and simple process. I can't stress how nice it is to use a common template for the all the different shapes and dimensions. For all you new armor and prop builders, a little math makes construction 100x easier in the long run and gives you that awesome professional look you so desire.

[/url] Cruiser 003 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

I fashion the profile for the prow or nose of the Reconciliation. This will help achieve a bisymmetrical result from the beginning and save myself from alot of sanding and shaping later.

[/url] Cruiser 004 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

The rest of cruiser's top details are carved from balsa wood. None of which are attached to the base yet nor will they be until all the details are finished.

[/url] Cruiser 006 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url] Cruiser 005 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

Apoxie Sculpt! Some seriously awesome stuff. It's a two part epoxy that behaves like a clay. Mix the A and B parts together and you have a 3 hour workable clay that can be molded however you want. It can even be smoothed by water. Once hardened, you can shape it with a file, sandpaper, or a carving knife. It's a slower yet less hazardous analog to Bondo (No ventilation required). Highly recommended!

So, using Apoxie Sculpt, I mold the most definitive aspect of the CCS Battlecruiser, the nose. In a matter of minutes it's properly shaped and after 24 hours left to cure, it's sanded to perfection.

[/url] Cruiser 007 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

Once the Reconciliation's nose is properly shaped, I apply a drywall spackle to the balsa wood, sand, and then coat entire project in a layer of Fiberglass resin to seal the wood and spackle. Unfortunately, fiberglass requires UV light and a warm, dry climate to cure. Here in PA, it's foggy, cool, and humid. So, while the fiberglass resin sets completely, I begin construction of the under belly.

This is the first post of many regarding this build. Other than my MKV helmet build, this has been on my hobby to-do list for quite some time. I plan to mold this cruiser once completed so I can finally construct my own Covenant fleet and hopefully when the time comes, these beauties will twirl over my future son's crib in an awesome Halo mobile...

Thanks for reading and if you have any questions regarding this build, feel free to message me.


Truth and Reconciliation - Part 2

Part 2

Construction continues on the under belly of the Truth and Reconciliation. As before, the materials of choice are styrene and balsa wood.

[/url] Cruiser 008 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 009 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

Further volume for the upper section of the cruiser is added by another layer of 1/4" balsa wood and a thin layer of styrene is glued ontop of that to provide a surface for the under carriage details to be attached too.

[/url] Cruiser 010 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]​

To start, (because it's the simplest!) is the "engine" or thruster section of the cruiser. Made entirely of styrene, this little gem took the better part of 4 hours to make... a bad omen to the time frame of this project. Nonetheless, I'm more than pleased with the results.

[/url] Cruiser 011 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

Following the engines, the center structure is next. To all of you Halo CE fans, this general area is where MC makes his heroic escape with Captain Keyes and crew (More to come on that later). There is still much more detail to be added but the model glue needs to dry and I must sleep. I did add a little Apoxie sculpt to the neck of the cruiser to add some more structure to build upon.

More to come later... thanks for reading!


This, is awesome. In the true sense of the word awesome.
I get the feeling this might be one of those spectacular builds.

I expect a lot of people will watch this with great anticipation.
Myself included.

@ MissingSpartan7,
Appreciate the support. I really want this to come together and I am also very excited to see the final results.

@ foxleader
I really don't have any specific files. Hanging above my workbench are about twenty different photos of the CCS battlecruiser at different angles. As I come to each section of the build, i use my master template and dimension the specific parts as I go. I have a few drawings to the scale of my own build that I will try and post but these are pretty much custom made to my particular build.

Build is still progressing. I'm going to wait until I'm a little further in the construction for more pics of Part 2 but in the mean time, here's video I whipped up. Hope you enjoy!

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Truth and Reconciliation - Part 2 Cont.

Part 2 Cont...

Construction continues. More detail is added to underbelly, most notably, the gravity lift. Pain in the butt however now that it's completed, worth the extra detail.

[/url] Cruiser 014 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 012 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

As i mentioned, there's slow progress. Once I complete the underbelly, the upper section of the cruiser can be sanded smooth and the finer details applied. If the railroad decides to cooperate and not eat up all my time, I hope to have the build completed before Christmas... fingers crossed.
Truth and Reconciliation - Part 2 Cont. Cont.

Part 2 Cont...Cont...

Yes, Part 2 continues on...

The underside is coming along quite nicely. Yesterday and today was primarily dedicated to collar around the grav lift. This part of the build has always been the problem child of my cruiser project. But with a little thought this time and some careful measuring, I believe i've nailed it head on.

Here's the situation. I need to construct the section displayed below.

[/url] Cruiser Collar by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

All in all, doesn't look to bad. However, there are two curves a play that make this a pain in the butt to dimension. So, here was my solution.

[/url] Cruiser 15 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

I made two simple frames from styrene model plastic, making sure they fit the area around the grav lift. Then, i mixed another batch Apoxie Sculpt.

[/url] Cruiser 16 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

I filled the frame up liberally and let set for 24 hours to cure and harden. I wasn't too concerned with the overall shape. The priority was to insure that there was enough clay to work with later.

[/url] Cruiser 17 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

Once cured, an aggressive file was used to shape the collar. A thin triangular file was used to carve the ribs along the side so distinctive of the CCS battlecruiser.

[/url] Cruiser 18 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

Now the moment of truth, do they fit?

[/url] Cruiser 19 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

Yes, yes they do. This was the most concerning part of the build. As far as I'm concerned, it's smooth sailing from here on out.

[/url] Cruiser 20 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 21 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

Some more Apoxie Sculpt fills in all the gaps and is let set to cure. I now return to the top section and resume the relentless sanding. Why so much sanding? Let's find out... Displayed below are two top profiles of the Covenant CCS Class Battlecruiser. One is circa Halo 1/2 the other is Halo 3/4/ODST/Reach.

[/url] Cruiser E3 2002 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser New model by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

The difference is clear. There is more "detail" on the newer cruiser model. Of course as the Xbox 360 boasted better graphics than the original Xbox, Bungie could improve the Halo universe. The added detail to the CCS Cruiser was one of the very very few things I did not agree with. As the Halo literature describes, The Covenant constructed their vessels with smooth, ornate, and organic to features to please the Forerunner Gods looking down on them. The underside is functional and not but a little intimidating in order to strike fear to those beneath the Covenant, hence the plasma cannons and the bristling canards that protrude from under the prow of the CCS cruiser.

Now, one could argue that in the latter days of the Human-Covenant war, the Covenant had to skip the ornamental decorating in favor of haste to replenish their dwindling fleets. And most of the newer cruisers are seen in the hands of the Brutes in Halo 3/ODST and the radical covenant under Jul 'Mdama in Halo 4 who would have the scraps left over from the war. I'm not sure, and I believe this topic is for another forum. But I do know that in keeping with the original Covenant mandate, the top of my rendition of the Truth and Reconciliation will have that smooth, opalescent, sheen from Halo 1/2. Back to the build!

[/url] Cruiser 22 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 23 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

The top of the tail end is glued to the bulk of the cruiser and the seams filled in with Apoxie Sculpt. The remaining pieces are filled with model putty and sanded with 100 grit sandpaper. Then pieced together, we can see that the project is really coming together.

[/url] Cruiser 24 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 25 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

The project continues. Once the underside of the nose is finished the final details can begin, bringing the Reconcilation closer to completion. Thanks for reading.

Your battlecruiser is awesome whats your next ship going to be?

Appreciate it! I'm not quite sure what ship i'm going to make next. I'm torn between the UNSC light frigate from Reach or the Covenant assualt/super carrier. But those builds will be a while down the road. I plan on molding and casting the cruiser once I finish it. That probably wont be until after Christmas.

Part 2 - Finished!

Yes, finally, construction on the underbelly is complete (save for the canards). Let's just jump into it!

The underside of the prow is the final build priority.

[/url] Cruiser 26 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 27 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 28 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 29 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 30 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 31 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 32 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 33 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 34 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 35 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 36 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 37 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cruiser 38 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

What can I say, nothing new concerning my methods. I just used some styrene and Apoxie Sculpt and a little more planning, measuring, and hoping.

Well, that's it for the main construction. There's still a little detail left for the top section, however it can't be done until final sanding and detailing are complete. Now, the next priority is filling in all the holes and making the Reconciliation look pretty for molding. Part 3 - The Finishing, is next!


Alright 405th, I'm gonna throw you guys a curve ball. Upon further research on the molding materials I will need to cast the Reconciliation, I learned that my best bet is to order few gallons of liquid silicone rubber. Given that I don't need that much rubber for a single model, I've decide to make another in tandem with the cruiser as not to waste any materials. Since I'm nearing completion with the cruiser build, I needed a simpler model than can be finished quickly. Thus I've decided to build the Halo Activation Idex. Yes, I've wanted to do this for while now and since it is a simpler prop, It won't take long to construct along with the Reconciliation.

Considering it will be a shorter build, I have decided to not give the Index it's separate thread. Anywho, here we go...

For the un-initiated, the Activation Index is the "key" to activating a Halo. Each Index is unique to its corresponding Halo. I have decided to build a replica of the Index from Installation 04.

A styrene base is cut and three layers of 1/4" balsa wood are glued to the top. Since the Index is symmetrical on both it's X and Y axis, I will model only one half and then later cast two pieces and simply attach them to each other. Nice way to save time! So here's the progress.

[/url] Index 01 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Index 02 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Index 03 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Index 04 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

In a matter of an hour or so, the basic shape is cut and sanded. Once I was satisfied with the shape, I bondo-ed to fill any gaps or holes.

[/url] Cruiser 39 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr[/IMG]

Meanwhile, sanding and detailing continues on the Reconciliation. Sand then paint, sand then paint. Getting close!

Thanks for reading!

The Finishing Touches

Hey 405th,

Sorry for the interlude. New job, new house, new fiance'... but the build must continue!!!

After a lot of filling, sanding, filling, and more sanding, the body of the cruiser is finished. A few more details are required, most notably, the canards.

Here's the goal...

14507867899_919a585453.jpgCanards by Fudz0732011, on Flickr​

The prowl of the battlecruiser is arguably the most distinctive aspect of the vessel. 2mm styrene is the medium of choice.

14671401196_2f65abefe0.jpgDSC00003 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14714290253_9d031cd2ec.jpgDSC00006 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14507765729_0d7fce1feb.jpgDSC00007 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14508025819_afa67be4c9.jpgDSC00013 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14692280094_4368f47d74.jpgDSC00014 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr​

The Reconciliation is 90% done. The upper middle section needs some more sanding and then painting can begin.

...Which means I wont be casting this cruiser in the near future. With wedding planning occupying a lot of my attention, i've put the casting on the back burner.

I Hope to continue to work on the Reconciliation as much as time allows and hope to have this finally finished soon.

Thanks for reading!




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I really like the models. Those would be nice to have around on display. :) The index would just be cool to have as a prop if you're dressed as Cortana. :p
I really like the models. Those would be nice to have around on display. :) The index would just be cool to have as a prop if you're dressed as Cortana. :p

Appreciate it! Eventually I would like to make a version of all the original Halo starships, but that'll take some time. My goal with the index is to add green LEDs and light strips to the interior. Which, yes, would be an awesome prop to have if one were dressed as Cortana!

Finishing Touches Cont.

Today I put it all together and painted both the Reconciliation and the Index with a flat gray primer. It's amazing how many flaws can jump out at once :p I definitely have some puttying to do. If you look closely, I redid the inner canards on the prow. They're swept back a little more than previous and now fit the profile of the cruiser better, I feel.
Here's the pics.

14705433385_17a219a49a.jpgDSC00015 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14682431366_9fee0552bc.jpgDSC00022 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14703028254_77d1983cbd.jpgDSC00023 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14705133082_75d9265792.jpgDSC00024 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14518747050_fe38aea8fb.jpgDSC00025 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14702251381_f430ec2b1e.jpgDSC00028 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

14518757508_558478c64b.jpgDSC00030 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr​

Work continues, SOOO close to the end!!!!

Thanks for reading!




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Good to see that the space element of Halo is not left in the dark, no pun intended. Your model has crazy attention to detail. UNSC/Covie space battle diorama in the upcoming years from you? Haha keep it up buddy
Hey guys!

It's been awhile... again :angel . Another move with a wedding fast approaching, etc. etc. However, things have begun to settle and the work continues. During the interim, little progress has been made on the Reconciliation. I resumed puttying and sanding. She's close to casting it'll just be a matter of purchasing the molding materials. I did however acquire my very first 3d printer. Around march I bought a Prusa 12in i3v printer from Makerfarm. This beauty has quickly become my new favorite toy. The resolution is a little rough but I have plans to slowly upgrade with custom printed parts. After a couple of calibrating prints, I decide to remake the Halo Activation Index. I created the part in Solidworks and uploaded it the printer. I very pleased with the results. The model will still need puttying and sanding considering my 3d printer's resolution but my build time had been drastically reduced. Here's some pics!

18574119213_3d19aa207a_b.jpgIMG_0153 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

19008581639_0510a23c57_b.jpgIMG_0155 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

19007077940_6e4e6f4602_b.jpgIMG_0156 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

19198342921_3d7e05abfc_b.jpgIMG_0157 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr

19007185868_75b6a838df_b.jpgIMG_0158 by Fudz0732011, on Flickr​

The beauty of the Index now is I know it's perfectly symmetrical. I only have to mold one half and I can be certain that two cast halves will fit together almost seamlessly. The Reconciliation is still chugging along. I figure a couple more rounds of sanding and filler should see the ship done and ready for casting. I still plan on molding both the cruiser and index at the same time. The other two items I drafted on Solidworks in my spare time. The top is a paris-class frigate and the other is Cortana's data chip. They both need some tweeking but after I finish this current project I'll work on them a little more.

So that's the rundown as of now. I haven't forgotten you 405th. But being an adult is time consuming. I'll keep you guys updated as progress continues. Thanks for reading!




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