Recent content by BlueRealm

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    ODST - 3D Model - High res for Download

    I started this model a few years ago and never really did anything with it. So in support of the community I'd like to offer the 3d model up for free download, so please feel free to download it and build your own. This ODST Helmet was inspired from the popular Halo Universe. The ODST or...
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    Halo 4 Costume Build - Undersuit, Glove and Rail Gun

    Looks great.. Keep it up!
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    H4 Chief Scratch Foam Armor Build

    Looks great man, keep it up!
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    Halo 4 MC Helmet...nosaint

    very pro. Great job!
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    Appropriate material for cutting on CNC router

    Thats sign foam I used there. I believe its 15lb and yes its expensive. But its cheeper than Renshape. You can use pink foam from homedepot.. but you wont get the best detail out of it. The more dense the material the better the details.
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    Halo 4. Master Chief scratch, foam build.

    WOW DUDE! Way to go!
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    Halo 4. Master Chief scratch, foam build.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep it up!
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    Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

    SURE IT DOES! You’re forgetting one thing... It implements MP cartridge technology. The future is full of cool technology.. Yup your right... i used a 7.62 54 as reference and not the 51 So with all the rounds it just doesnt look as cool... maybe they are 3 round bullets and each round...
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    Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

    Looks like the 7.62 mm NATO Rounds would fit just fine to me. They could be single row or double stacked by my measurements.
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    Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

    Yeah I thought about that.. Thats what Sloan did with his lancer. It was cool to pull the clip and see a few rounds in it.
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    Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

    Yes, once its sealed up with primer and clear coat I'll mold it.
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    Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

    I get my sign foam locally from a place called allied plastics. They sell it in 4x8 sheets. Not sure the density, my guess is 30lbs or so @1.5 inch.. It will run you around 300 to 400 for a full sheet. But if your like me.. the stuff will last you a few projects.
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    Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

    I decided to take on a new project and I wanted to share it with the group. Most of you will recognize this weapon from the new halo reach game. First we needed a 3d model. RSloan76 hooked me up with a beautiful rendition of the rifle, and I took the model and imported it into SolidWorks for...
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    Dragoncon 2009 Picture/update Thread

    WOW... I HAVE TO SAY DUDE!!! THAT LOOKS AMAZING!!!! Your Helmet is the best in my opinion... wow look at those forearms... Dude your a pimp in my eyes. Proud of that logo on the chest too... looks good on that piece of art.
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    Bluerealm - Done With My Armor....

    You know what were working on getting a online store up selling merchandise and prop building supplies. I do have some shirts, but all I have in stock right now are large in blue, black, or white. I may have a medium laying around too. I'll hook ya up for $15.00 plus shipping. I think I may...