Recent content by DrLordGeneral

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  3. D

    EOD build... Damascus Paintjob?

    Oh... Forgot to mention the spare paint I had was not the colors I wanted (Brown and gray)...
  4. D

    EOD build... Damascus Paintjob?

    Got some Enamel paint, and it's a little on the solid side, and not displaying the properties I expect, it is fairly cold though, so I'm heating it up to see if it liquifies a bit more... In other news, I figured I'd post some pictures for you guys to see what I'm doing and eventually the test...
  5. D

    EOD build... Damascus Paintjob?

    I've tried spray paints, and it's not producing the results I'm looking for. (I think this might be due to the fact I used a metalic sheem paint.) It makes a good mix paint job, but it's not layer like the look of damascus that I'm after. it's so bad I don't even want to post pictures of the...
  6. D

    EOD build... Damascus Paintjob?

    The idea behind hydro dipping is filling a container with water. Pouring an oil based paint into the water, it'll float, then dip the object to be painted into the water. With this method you get distinct lines between two paints in an organic way, that if done right could possibly replicate...
  7. D

    EOD build... Damascus Paintjob?

    Hello everybody. I'm currently engaged in making a Foam EOD build, and have been trying to decide what sort of color scheme I would like. I dig the idea of white, kinda looks stormtrooper-y. But last night I was thinking maybe, just maybe it'd look cool as an 'unpainted' metal. To which I...