343 Guilty Spark Prop


New Member
Salutations, and welcome to my thread as I work on making an animatronic version of 343 Guilty Spark.

What this entails (and might be quite an undertaking :) ) is building a chat bot to mimic 343 Guilty Spark, speech to text coding, text to speech as well and then some voice processing to get it to sound more like Guilty Spark.

I'll also be 3D printing ole lightbulb's case as well so it will be a physical prop to interact with.

More to come and share as I progress!!!
OH Whaaaaat! holy cow fart i got to book mark this build. i sure would love to see a step by step build. i hope you have no bumps in the road to success on this build..
OH Whaaaaat! holy cow fart i got to book mark this build. i sure would love to see a step by step build. i hope you have no bumps in the road to success on this build..
Def will do my best to have it as step by step as possible. My sons babysitter during Halloween took on of those huge skeletons and turned it into a Dark Oracle, that people could come up and ask it questions and it was amazing so thats where my inspiration comes from. I know a little bit about coding but plunging into it and really cool what I have gotten so far.

The real trick is trying to get Guilty Sparks mannerisms down to make it believable
Excited to see a build thread for this Project.

I approached Jeffrey here with this idea after seeing seeing some of his work developing a similar system for Star Wars droids and thought it would be a great idea to partner it with NobleofDeath16 's idea for additions to MidWest's Booth at upcoming conventions in Ohio.
So far here is a copy paste of me playing with responses I have gotten from my Guilty Spark chat bot. Its getting fun!

Hi Guilty Spark, How is everything on Halo today?

Guilty Spark
Greetings! On Installation 04, now sadly destroyed, matters of the Halo Array were meticulously overseen by me. Today, being disconnected from the array, I lack current updates on that particular installation. However, the preservation and activation of the Halos remain of utmost importance to ensure the continued containment of the Flood.

I'm sorry to hear your installation was destroyed. Do you have another installation you can monitor?

Guilty Spark
Regrettably, Installation 04 is no more, and I am without a specific installation to monitor at present. However, my knowledge on all Halos and the goals of the Forerunners to prevent the spread of the Flood across the galaxy remains acute. Monitoring for any potential threats or breaches is vital to preventing untold devastation in the future.

Are there any flood outbreaks I should be concerned about here in Ohio?

Guilty Spark
The Flood, a parasitic and highly virulent species, poses a grave threat wherever it is found. While the likelihood of a Flood outbreak on a specific planet such as Ohio may be minimal, vigilance is paramount. Being prepared with knowledge of Flood containment protocols and working in conjunction with the Unified Earth Government's protocols is advisable in safeguarding against any potential Flood incursions. Be ever cautious, for the Flood's hunger for biomass is insatiable.

What should I do if there is a flood outbreak?

Guilty Spark
In the event of a Flood outbreak, swift and decisive action is imperative to contain and eliminate the threat. Implement containment procedures, such as isolation of infected individuals, quarantine of affected areas, and the deployment of appropriate military forces equipped with Forerunner-derived weaponry. Communication with any available forces, such as the UNSC, is crucial to coordinate a unified response. Utilize any available technology or information on the Flood's weaknesses to maximize the effectiveness of your defensive efforts. Remember, cooperation and decisive action are key in combating the Flood scourge.
Your thread made me finally press go on the 343 3d model I have had on my computer for awhile can't wait to see what you do
been a while since i updated.
Sometime back I finally got my coding setup to ask the bot questions and have it speak back. Not sure best way to share the video link as its quite large but below you can check it out.

Still tweaking the audio to mimic Guilty Sparks voice and have began 3D printing his body.
This would be great to have on a stand or something around a booth for people to ask questions. Either for Halo info, fun, or 405th related topics or info.

Awesome idea and can’t wait to see how it turns out!
That's incredible mate! I know nothing about programing, but is it possible to share this code so each of the regiments can make a one as a sort of questionnaire and mascot.
So far here is a copy paste of me playing with responses I have gotten from my Guilty Spark chat bot. Its getting fun!

Hi Guilty Spark, How is everything on Halo today?

Guilty Spark
Greetings! On Installation 04, now sadly destroyed, matters of the Halo Array were meticulously overseen by me. Today, being disconnected from the array, I lack current updates on that particular installation. However, the preservation and activation of the Halos remain of utmost importance to ensure the continued containment of the Flood.

I'm sorry to hear your installation was destroyed. Do you have another installation you can monitor?

Guilty Spark
Regrettably, Installation 04 is no more, and I am without a specific installation to monitor at present. However, my knowledge on all Halos and the goals of the Forerunners to prevent the spread of the Flood across the galaxy remains acute. Monitoring for any potential threats or breaches is vital to preventing untold devastation in the future.

Are there any flood outbreaks I should be concerned about here in Ohio?

Guilty Spark
The Flood, a parasitic and highly virulent species, poses a grave threat wherever it is found. While the likelihood of a Flood outbreak on a specific planet such as Ohio may be minimal, vigilance is paramount. Being prepared with knowledge of Flood containment protocols and working in conjunction with the Unified Earth Government's protocols is advisable in safeguarding against any potential Flood incursions. Be ever cautious, for the Flood's hunger for biomass is insatiable.

What should I do if there is a flood outbreak?

Guilty Spark
In the event of a Flood outbreak, swift and decisive action is imperative to contain and eliminate the threat. Implement containment procedures, such as isolation of infected individuals, quarantine of affected areas, and the deployment of appropriate military forces equipped with Forerunner-derived weaponry. Communication with any available forces, such as the UNSC, is crucial to coordinate a unified response. Utilize any available technology or information on the Flood's weaknesses to maximize the effectiveness of your defensive efforts. Remember, cooperation and decisive action are key in combating the Flood scourge.
Super cool :D Looking forward to seeing more!
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