343 has stated that they will return to the Chief.

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Question I have here is, Is this movie real or faked that I found
Fake as hell. Easy tell: the voice actors are all listed. You wouldn't have David Scully represent a physical character.

Also, the Mars shot is from Transformers.
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I have said so many times to myself that after Reach, I will not buy anymore Halo games. Truth is, I probably will, at least one more.

I've been saying to myslef, "I won't buy a Halo game that hasn't been spawned from Bungie.", but I still bought Halo Wars.

If 343 is taking up the Chief, I'm okay with that, as long as they pull it off. If the next few games end up being like Halo Wars (I found it dissapointing), I won't buy it. Bungie made Halo, they had a great run, no doubt about it. But what if 343 pulls it off? A lot of the people saying that it will be bad would feel stupid.

Point is, nobody has seen what they will do with it, so wait and see if the games are bad. If they are, then you can say that they were horrible.
If they call it Halo 4! God so help me! >8(
At least call it something cooler, I know all the Halos haven't been secured, but at least they are not in fear of being activated, so don't go back to them and name the game something different. I just really hope it doesn't go the way of CoD =,(
Personally, I'm basing this inane fear on the Activision Effect.

The publisher buys the IP rights for the game, from the developer, then proceeds to make a sub-par game to milk sales, and it only sells because of its name. Gameplay and story are terrible, and the game engine is bugged to hell. Typically, such a game will take a year or less to make.

I'm talkin' to you, Call of Duty: World at War (and, I'm betting Black Ops, as well).

You might say Frank O'Connor is working for 343, but that means nothing. He cares more about the money than the game, it seems. Otherwise, he woulda stayed Bungie-side, instead of brown-nosing 343 for his increased salary. (And, honestly, storywriting credit goes to J. Staten anyway.)
i really hope they continue a story with the chief. it would be cool if they had chief land on onyx and be reunite with his fellow team members such as linda and others. then you could have a halo reach feel. like the whole team of spartans thing, but this time its with the chief and his fellow spartan II's
In fairytales sleeping beauty was Awake when they said happily ever after, not cryogenically frozen in space for only god knows how long. There are waaaaay to many unanswered questions, What happens to the rest of the covenant species?, What to do the Elites do?, Does all of humanity just repair itself, or is it's broken off pieces attacked by species of the covenant not yet wiped out? I see what you're saying but there's so much I'd like to see answered.

like I said before, "Your Imagination creates the best endings and the greatest adventures." why don't you come up with an ending for the Chief. I already have, but i'm sure most people wouldn't like my ending. that's what makes it the best ending for me.
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