405th Division Ideas

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Newbie here, Haven't even made my first piece of armor yet or a prop. Will be making some soon.(Winter project) In fact this is my first post. Just wanted to say what I am reading on this board is great. I think the 405th would be great for charity events like the 501st. I also wanted to take the time to thank all of you for providing such a great resource for an aspiring prop builder. Anyone in the south eastern Michigan area? Also do we have Insignia / Logo for Michigan like LastSpartan suggested Or a state Regiment like Spartan 110 suggested? If not I think they would be great ideas to help get organized and grow as a group. :D
Well I guess from what I am seeing is that there COULD be a sub group for Covenant correct? Or am I going to be the outsider at the events lol.
anyone else from NZ here?
if me and my bro end up making armour, that'll make at least two spartans "down under"
i havent been on here in awhile due to the lack of time to myself.. With the release of Halo 3, it has occupied a good portion of my time.. But if there is anything i can do please PM me or tell me on my myspace. (www.myspace.com/desolateme) I have been revamping my white armor slowly and getting more recruits around my area.. so there will be more Spartans appearing in my area.
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