405th - Europe

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A Shopping list or FAQ in german will be very nice, there are some products in the Noob-List that i cant buy in germany/austria. Or i dont know which one is the right product.

Also for the Undersuit.
Im not at the point of needing a undersuit. But for Resin, Fiberglas, Brushes or Spraypaintcans i could tell you where to get them online.
When you need Bondo you should look for a ATU in your region.

Edit : For the Paper progress you get all you need at Staples
like you can see this thread is not getting that much response... so i dont think there is any need for it till we get more people to write
Am besten wäre sicherlich ein deutsches unterforum hier.

Andere Möglichkeit wäre ein eigenes Forum zu starten, aber warum unnötig die Community spalten. Werden wohl eh nur ne Handvoll Leute sein
It would also be nice if you could talk english here, we dont have a german section yet :p

Like i said, there is no german sub forum yet.
I also have to say it dosent looks like there is need for one, specialy if people ignore the fact that this is still a english forum.
I only thought about it because there is no really good place for a german shopping list or a place to talk about meetings or for working methods explaining.

The next thing is that is not in my hands, i open this thread to see how many people would reply and show the admin of the site in an easy way if there is a need or not.
But it dosent look like that it would be usefull or wouldnt open doors for other problems
Hi, I'm from Finland.
I've read this whole thread and been thinking about this problem for some time. Why not just have a complete section in the home page for products where there could be different trademarks listed. This section could possibly be also further divided to different locations around the world for better specifications about the products available at these places. How about that?? :3
Hey! i'm greek and i would be really interested in a Europe shopping list (even if it's de shops only) or a european sub-forum. Truth is that it's a pain getting materials here...

P.S any greeks out there feel free to add/message me, the more the merrier :p
Another german here,

there is a need for at leat an european shopping list, because none of the US brands are common here.
Also a central contact list for EU located members would be fine (ICQ, Email, etc.), for planning on conventions and stuff, at the moment there are just threads about US related actions in the forum.
Imo, most of the problems could be solved by incorporate into the UK part of the forum.
actually i dont believe we need a shopping list.
even if there arent the brands, we still have eqivilents
just check
but if you like,i could get a list of the stuff i used
I'm from Spain, and I made a post proposting about having an european regiment. I think that's more practical.

war schreiberisch noch nicht wirklich aktiv hier, kann im European Regiment Roll Call wahrscheinlich deswegen auch nichts posten, hab keinen Post reply Knopf ;)

And hi to all other europeans.
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