405th on IMVU?

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Well-Known Member
So the talk of a 405th chatbox got me thinking about chatting in general with members of the 405th. Which then got me to wondering if there are any other members of the 405th using IMVU? For those who don't know, IMVU is a 3D chat program that lets you create and customize avatars (somewhat similar to LIVE avatars) as well as furnish rooms to hang out in and chat. IMVU also offers group pages with forums, public chat rooms, and the ability to register a content developer account (about $20) which allows to create clothing, skins, furniture, rooms, and stickers to decorate homepages with.

There is already a handful of Halo-related avatar items to be found in the IMVU catalog (although mainly just basic Mark VI in a few different colors and ODST), but it would be great to see what the modelers here in the 405th could cook up. I'm willing to bet they can do better than a lot of what's currently available (i.e. retextures that basically amount to screen-printing armor details onto a pair of cargo pants and a sweatshirt).

Last I checked, though, there wasn't a 405th group or other such representation on IMVU, so I was wondering if there's any interest in such a thing, or if anyone else has even heard of IMVU. lol.
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