Hello to all at the 405th site. Im Cronus From Xbox365 and i came to conclusion that i want to set my goal for december to make spartan armor. well i have the helmet done and i had a couple of questions about which resin is good. I purchased Bondo fiberglass resin Jelly and fiberglass cloth of course, and i have clear general adhesive spray. Im just wondering how should i go about with the resin. Should i just smoth out the outside first then fiberglass the inside? Or maybe spray the adhesive then resin then fiberglass? Im a graphics designer Btw and im kinda new to the molding scene.
A sticky in the pepakura forums about fiberglassing the pep helmet. It helped me out. Ive also heard that the resin jelly wasnt as good as the other stuff, or was just harder to handle, not sure and i cant find that post again to tell ya.