An Upgrade Of Mark VI Mjolnir Helmet Visor

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Active Member
First off - Hi everyone! I just recently joined up - DAMN I wish I knew about this site MUCH Earlier! - Anywho I thought I'd share the following upgrade I did (Originally posted at HBO here) Enjoy! -->

For the upcoming Halo 3 launch, I decided to upgrade my Master Chief Helmet to a dual layer reflective gold visor. Here's how it went...


First, I removed the existing visor, which simply a silver, motorcycle helmet visor that had the ridges painted upon it.



I purchased on Ebay 2 motorcycle visors, with a gold, metallic reflective surface. 2 were necessary so that I would cut one for a 'outer layer' that would look more like MC's visor, as such:


Then, after taking some existing pics of the visor, I made a template of the interior cut necessary for the 2nd layer and measured it for my helmet's demensions.


So, I put it on one of the visors and rough-cut it out with a roto-zip w/ a diamond edge cutting wheel.



Then, I cut the remainder of the exterior layer, and sanded it smooth with asst sandpapers and sand-sponges for a glass-like edging for it. Then, I simply glued them into the helmet and viola! (Not too bad, me thinks!)



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zombiex325 said:
were did u get that?

I got the helmet from Nightmare Armor, and the visor shields from Ebay.

I got the paper for the template from work (don't tell anyone) and the blue masking tape as well as the roto-zip from Home Depot :p
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Ronster said:
Way to be original.

Hey man, I just thought I'd share how to make a dual visor - sorry I don't meet your criteria
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It just kinda sounded like it was your idea.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'd give some credit to BlueRealm.
Ronster said:
It just kinda sounded like it was your idea.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'd give some credit to BlueRealm.

I have no idea who that is...
If he did one already I have no knowledge of it...
Like I said before: I wish I've learned of this site LONG ago
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Ronster said:
He's the one who originally came up with the idea for the double-visor helmet.

Wow - That sure looks nice - Much better job than mine.

Also - I wish I've seen his first - I would've tried to incorporate more detail as he had. (love the 2-tone)

Well, at least I showed the process of how to make the double visor. Hope it contributes.
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Ron, you need to chill out a little bit. Read what he posted and then make a judgement. Besides, looking at the visor ingame and thinking "hmm, hey, motorcycle visors would work, maybe If i get two and cut one up and layer it", isnt the most complicated idea in the world and someone else may have thought of the same thing before coming here. So lay off a little bit.

Looks good dude. Helmet looks a bit shiny for my tastes, but looks good nonetheless.
Leadingspartan said:
Yea all i see is a little red box and an x can anyone fix this?

Hmm seems OK to me - I guess check out the article at HBO here or especially at site I go to here - hope this works!
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Dude, saw your article on HBO awhile back, and I love the double visor. Kudos on the method. (I think there's a thread around here somewhere on it from when it was posted)

Glad you joined up! And NAS FTW!

Earlier Discussion:

Devastator don't take all these wierd accusations personally. I guess since there has been a tutorial for this up at this site since June that people are inclined to think that you may have used it.

I have no doubt that you came to this technique on your own, and just found this website recently.. I had thought about doing it this way a long time back, but was too nervous to cut a $30 visor until I saw that Blue Realm had done it.
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