Active Member
First off - Hi everyone! I just recently joined up - DAMN I wish I knew about this site MUCH Earlier! - Anywho I thought I'd share the following upgrade I did (Originally posted at HBO here) Enjoy! -->
For the upcoming Halo 3 launch, I decided to upgrade my Master Chief Helmet to a dual layer reflective gold visor. Here's how it went...
First, I removed the existing visor, which simply a silver, motorcycle helmet visor that had the ridges painted upon it.
I purchased on Ebay 2 motorcycle visors, with a gold, metallic reflective surface. 2 were necessary so that I would cut one for a 'outer layer' that would look more like MC's visor, as such:
Then, after taking some existing pics of the visor, I made a template of the interior cut necessary for the 2nd layer and measured it for my helmet's demensions.
So, I put it on one of the visors and rough-cut it out with a roto-zip w/ a diamond edge cutting wheel.
Then, I cut the remainder of the exterior layer, and sanded it smooth with asst sandpapers and sand-sponges for a glass-like edging for it. Then, I simply glued them into the helmet and viola! (Not too bad, me thinks!)
For the upcoming Halo 3 launch, I decided to upgrade my Master Chief Helmet to a dual layer reflective gold visor. Here's how it went...
First, I removed the existing visor, which simply a silver, motorcycle helmet visor that had the ridges painted upon it.
I purchased on Ebay 2 motorcycle visors, with a gold, metallic reflective surface. 2 were necessary so that I would cut one for a 'outer layer' that would look more like MC's visor, as such:
Then, after taking some existing pics of the visor, I made a template of the interior cut necessary for the 2nd layer and measured it for my helmet's demensions.
So, I put it on one of the visors and rough-cut it out with a roto-zip w/ a diamond edge cutting wheel.
Then, I cut the remainder of the exterior layer, and sanded it smooth with asst sandpapers and sand-sponges for a glass-like edging for it. Then, I simply glued them into the helmet and viola! (Not too bad, me thinks!)
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