(AUST)Fallout ncr ranger helmet

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New Member
First of hello everyone been looking at your forums for ages and finaly decided to start a project and hopefully get feed back etc.
Being in Australia i have had to look for the Australian counter parts and will include a list of what i have bought etc.

Materials list:

The zero cleanup method+40 plastic cups (2$ shop)+80 thick Popsicle sticks (2$ shop)+ 100 disposal gloves (9.80$ from Coles)

200gm paper from Office works 250 sheets = around $25

Fiber glass diy kit from Bunnings warehouse( they keep this in the paint section at my local store) = around 40$ for the size i got
IMG_0567 by crackers1992
body filler from super cheap auto = $10 on special.

Respirator and chemical filter bunnings = like $50ish
IMG_0565 by crackers1992
I cannot remember exactly where the pepakura came from did find it on the forums somewhere. So i have a mac ( media student ) as they are excellent for video editing and manipulating and my pc lays in pieces was i took it apart and was unable to assemble it back together, so i had to use a friends windows laptop for a day to print it all out.

the helmet so far
resin on the outside
IMG_0571 by crackers1992
fibre glass cloth and resin on inside

IMG_0570 by crackers1992
Hey thats pretty cool, your pep work looks neat, though what sought of glue are you using. I know alot of people recommend using a hotglue gun, but I prefer UHU all purpose. It doesn't leave strings.
Also how comfortable is the respirator, I've seen it in bunnings but haven't bought one myself.
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