Best way to keep up bicep piece?

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Well-Known Member
noob question....what is the best way to keep up your bicep part? i just finished cut and glue and it fits but i need it to go up my arm a little farther. Do people ussally have to cut parts of it out in order it fit right?

also: r there any modification to the bicep part that people have tried that makes it fit/work better?
I am by no means an expert, but I have a couple of suggestions.
Velcro. Not the wimpy stuff - the heavy duty industrial strength kind. Slap some inside the armor, and the other on the undershirt.
Snaps. Little more work, but the armor will be mounted in the same spot everytime.
Buckles. Stormtroopers typically connect the shoulder this way.

I'm a fan of snaps. I use a lot of velcro. I use buckles when needed.

Straps actually save the day...

Heres how I did my suit


it all hangs from my shoulders and fits comfortably.

1 pack of 2.99 straps at walmart saved my suit. It's rolled into a ball, dont get the elastics. Straps arent elastics, they are about 3/4th of an inch sideways, and I think are 6 feet....not sure how long the length is. But it was enough to do the entire suit.

I hot glued everything to the torso piece, except the legs and crotch, the legs go on like pants, then at the top of the strap I have a sewed on velcro piece which velcros the strap to the chest front and back, same for the arms, it makes getting the suit off easier.
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