Bondo isn't as easy as you think...

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Moz said:
if you live in canada all the retailers have not seemed to notice that the canadian dollar is worth more then the american and still rapes us at prices.

I buy everything from the states now. It's so cheap! It's like china, except with a crumbling economy!

Just remember that with the mud mixture, you can always use more resin to make it smoother, or less just to thin up the bondo.

Lol... well, I wouldn't compare the US to China so casually, and the economy isn't crumbling, whether it be on a down swing or not... but I wont debate politics with a Canadian, we are neighbors and we should be civil...

I do agree, that Bondo Putty application and Glazing as I have done is not an "easy" thing to do, it takes practice, and sometimes it takes someone showing you how its done... I practiced on corvettes, huge fiberglass beasts....

Who knows, when I get around to making the tut, I may even set up the tripod and tape the application process to come out with a good final product... and instructional video, "How to do body work, by the MC"
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Sean Bradley said:
Who said anything was going to be easy??
I did :D But now that I have a bit of experience it will come out better if I make another one ;)

If I have time I shall make a video tutorial for the beginning stage of Pepakura,
From supplies>printing>cutting>putting it together>Resining>To Fiberglassing

I'd probably not go to Bondo :p
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yes, bondo takes some time to get used to. I know I went through about a pound of the stuff before I figured out how it worked.


And be sure to LOG EVERYTHING. Once you get your correct proportions down, stick to em. Don't try to eyeball measurements. Uniformity will keep your armor looking crisp and professional. :)
Heres how i mix mine. First i put a lot of it on a piece of cardboard WITHOUT hardener. Then i take a a little bit at a time from that glob and mix in hardener with each spatchula full. That way i dont make one big batch and have waste left over if it hardens before i can use it all. Its ok if you get bondo on your hands just make sure to wash it off asap. Its the part where it hardens that gets your skin ripped off.
yep, you just gotta slow down on using the bondo, mix smaller portions and do a small area at a time, also,dont expect to get all the low spots with one application, if you want it really nice and smooth, do one rough layer, (and by rough i dont mean sloppy) just fill the low spots the best you can, let that cure, then go back again and fill all the tiny craters..bring it flush to the mountain folds. then sand it down to make it smoother. and usually youll still see some craters, one final coat of bondo really thin should fill it up. i have pics HERE
i will update them later today, i JUST got done doing some more bondo work on my helmet. :)

i am interested in that glaze though, it looks like it has a nice finish.. i also found some cool stuff for those of you that like to mold, rather than fill and sand, its called FIXIT! sculpt, fixit is used to fix things like pottery sculptures, ect. the sculpt one, is workable up to 4 hours, and is workable the same as clay. so you can basically shape every detail you want in one application.;#entry62974
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imMonkeyGOD said:
What would you do to get the bondo out of the can?
I don't like the idea of me just simply dumping it out. :T

Plastic spoon :D
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