Can someone make batman gears

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New Member
Hi im looking for someone the could deigne batman weapons like batarang, grappling guns, and more thigs that batman use on his dark crusade, I was try in to, but now all the paper is in the trash.
Sorry for my inglish but im from mexico, and need more practice.. :lol:
Belive me i like halo, have some armors that i made with paper!
The drop ship its very cool and all ready made it!! I cant belive it i have my own drop ship :lol:
The cowl would be pretty easy. Just pep, resin bondo etc. then make a latex mask. weapons can be done out of wood in much less time than pep. I can see what patterns i can come up with tho.
Zenzeigan said:
you obviously have no intrest in halo whatsoever, your first post and topic and its about batman :l

Can we stop making comments like these? It doesn't matter if it's halo or not, it's an all purpose forum, and it is in the general discussion anyways. Welcome new members no matter what guys, were supposed to be friendly.
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i didnt mean to sound like a jerk, how was i supposed to know youve made halo armor before, my point is, "costuming community of the halo universe" its based around halo, now i understand people make others, like clonetroopers or iron man suits, but when its somebodys first ever topic asking something irrelevant to halo it looks like theyve just searched on google "costuming forums" and found us and randomly asked us how to do it, and probabily done the exact same post on every other costuming site,

for you, this may not be the case, but they think of the forums as a pit stop where they can get a pep file then leave the forums and never return until they need help, personally i hate this, if its not the case for you i apologise, it just pisses me off when noobs do this
actuly the grapling hook [suprisingly] loks almost exactly likee this squirt gun i have :p
but anyways you could probably find a pep file somewhere for it
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