Commission or not to commission??

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Rancid Musk

Active Member
I have been approached to do some commission work. I feel honored that others have faith in my ability. I do this for fun but as a service to others I am unsure.

How much does one charge to do commissions? I have received request for several Helmets and one for a whole suit. I do have a day job so I am at a lost to set a price and timeline.

Are there any rules like trademarks, Bungie, etc..?

I've had te same thing happening to me, I'm just not sure if I want to turn my fun hobby into another "job".
When I am approached with a commission request, I tell people that with time and patience, anyone can make their own suit and point them here.
depending on the time and cost in your area. I have 5 commissions, for a full suit and helmet it should be 1000-2000$
The only finished piece I have made (my Deadmau5 head) got me a lot of commission requests locally. Most people where I live immediately give up the idea when I tell them how much I spent making mine lol.

You can charge however much you feel your time is worth plus the cost of the materials. If you wanted a good reference on prices you could always look up how much others are selling their work for. This might help you get a better idea of the prices associated with selling stuff like this. Also, when looking up what other people sell their stuff for you have to take into consideration whether the piece is a one off or a casting. I usually see one off items selling for bit more than cast items.
Well you could just casted your armor and clean it up the casted pieces and give them that and you would make a lot of profit to spend on yourself or other projects :D
Try and direct them towards doing it themselves if you can. If you can't, then try to figure out what quality they expect, and what they expect to pay. Some people just want something that looks really close, and don't expect a perfect model. Others expect a precision cut replica. There is the problem though of turning your fun into more work... I know sometimes that doesn't sit well with people. It does enable you to make more things though, if cost is more of a concern than the time you are investing to make things.
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