Din Djarin Build!

Captain Void

New Member
Well, I completely failed to stick to my Rakshasa plans and got distracted by working on Din Djarin... So I might as well make a thread on that. I will get to the Rak at some point but for financial reasons and just my scatterbrained nature, I will be working on Din for now...

I've been using Galactic Armory's files for the build

That all being said, here's what I have so far

Started off by printing one of the handplates, which came out pretty clean


Then, over the course of a few days I printed the left forearm pieces, and the whistling birds. The whistling birds launcher actually separates in these files, so I plan on doing some nice LEDs in there for the actual missles

My idea to accomplish the looks of the whistling birds is to use one or two 5mm LEDs, aluminum rods, and some fiber optic strands to build the assembly for the lights. I did a small test with the aluminum rods, fiber optics, and an LED from my keyboard just to see if the idea worked, and I love the result, I'll just have to dial it in brightness wise once I have all the components for the wiring system


That's all for now! I'll probably have some updates soon though I'm really grinding through this
Well, I now have both halves of the right forearm complete, so that makes both arms printed, and I'm now moving on to the legs! Going to save the shoulder bells for the weekend when I have more time, but I've just started printing the left knee.


The small window at the top of the forearm will have a small screen peeking through with the mandalorian text that's shown on screen, found some cool tutorials on how to program it so I think I'm gonna give it a shot. Never done anything like this before, but I wanna aim for as accurate to screen as possible. Super pumped about this build. Might do some work on the whistling birds tonight and try to cut all my aluminum rods to the right length
Been snipping off sections of the Aluminum tubes that I have here and I have a rough idea of how they're gonna look, I'm actually pretty happy with this as the "body" of the missiles. Currently they're just set in place, but I plan on gluing them to a small piece of EVA foam to hold them in place and also so that they can be easily removed in case I need to fix anything
The knee armor for my left leg came out really nicely, especially the little launcher details, it's very slightly too small, but I think a little bit of gentle heat and bending can solve that? I'm not sure though
Another update today, just finished printing half of my right shin! Had to cut it into two pieces since my printer isn't tall enough but besides that it came out pretty nicely, have the other half running now, then after that it'll just be the detail pieces and my lower leg armor will be done. Hoping to have both legs fully printed this weekend so I can move on to the upper body.

Here's the shin, ft. My cat, Winry
Well, the last of my electronic components arrived for my whistling birds just this morning, so I guess it's time to start the incredibly daunting task of soldering my first circuit. It's a very simple LED circuit so it shouldn't be too hard but still it makes me really nervous

I decided to try using 2 leds, and I'll be running 6 of the fiber optics to either LED.
I tested the lights out and they're definitely bright enough for what I want, but the colour isn't quite what I expected, so I may eventually replace them with something on the lighter blue side. For now though, they'll work fine, and serve as good practice too.
After some trial and error, and many learning opportunities (mistakes) I have successfully made my first ever working circuit. I decided one LED would be more than enough, I don't want them to be way too bright, but here it is! My connections are not pretty, I have tons to learn, but for my first time even trying, I think I did well. I'm so proud of this.

I feel like electronics are such a daunting step to take, and it really feels impossible when you see others with their crazy and amazing setups, but after just deciding to try it out myself, I can safely say this was all so much easier than it looks. If anyone is ever considering trying out some LED work, PLEASE just try it out. Do a bit of research, and just try. Maybe I'm being overexcited about a small accomplishment, but I really feel like this was a huge deal for me. Anyways, here it is!

Nice and simple, but I'm very proud. Now it's time to try my best to figure out how I'm gonna rig it up into the gauntlet
Glued my fiber optics in place and while I'm waiting for that to set up I decided to do a little test and I'm feeling really good about this. My camera auto dims the picture a little bit so they're not as bright in photo as they actually are, but even so I think they look great.
Alright so I know I've been practically spamming updates today but it's really helping me stay motivated and focused, so here's another!

Full right shin is now done printing, AND I have my whistling birds all cut and shaped to the correct size, all I need to do at this point is use a bit of hot glue to hold them down so they're not pointing in different directions. I'm not sure yet if I'd rather do that before or after painting. Anyways, I'm super proud of how these look so far so here they are!


It took me a few annoying steps to get to this point though, first I had to figure out how to even feed them through the holes in the launcher

This was definitely challenging to do. I had to figure out a way to get my fiber optics to properly feed through the exact hole they needed to go in, so I used eva foam and punched small holes in it with a nail. This helped guide them through properly, otherwise it was nearly impossible to feed them through properly

Sorry for the blurry pictures lol


Once I had them through, I slid the aluminum tubes on, so I could get the exact measurements they needed to be, then, I cut them down into shape, followed by trimming the excess fiber optic strands... This was so nerve wracking because one mistake and I'd have to redo like half the work on the fiber optics.


Anyways, I don't think I could be any happier with the result. Sorry this was a long one, I wanted to be detailed with how I got it done! Thanks for reading!
UPDATE TIME: my little Ender v3 KE has been on the GRIND this week. I'd say I'm around 3/4 done now? Idek. Printing has been going smooth, here's what I have now.

All that's really left to print is the Ab plate, shoulders, back plate, jetpack, and then finally the helmet... I'm 65 hours in to printing, and I estimate I'll probably over double that by the time everything is done printing
Well, it's been almost a week and I've been getting closer and closer. I now have the shoulders, chest, and back fully printed, helmet is at 6/8 parts done, and then it'll just be the jetpack left. Really happy with the progress. Just around 107 hours of printing now
Progress is looking great so far! What kind of paint are you planning on doing the armor?
Thanks! I plan on trying graphite powder for the chrome effect, watched a bunch of videos on it and it seems to be the best way to get the screen accurate colours without paying like 600 dollars for paint
Thanks! I plan on trying graphite powder for the chrome effect, watched a bunch of videos on it and it seems to be the best way to get the screen accurate colours without paying like 600 dollars for paint
Nice I tried doing graphite power for when I did Din. Never quite got it to work, Pretty sure I didn't buff it out enough, Best of luck!
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