Elite Costume Project

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I am hoping mine will come in somewhere a little below number 1.
I don't know that I'll be making animitronics or cutting a full size costume from foam but I hope it'll be pretty awesome.
I have nuggets halo 3 elite pep model. I cannor randomly give it out because it inst mine. however if you ask nugget you might be able to get the pep file. I believe it will be a good starting point.


Sorry for lack of thumb's or pic...Im rushing.. ;)
nightpicnic said:
ive seel alot of horribble ATTEMPTS HERE is a good one

here is link elete costume

an unexplainable 1

link undefined
xbox magazine did an article on that first one when they kept running special "promo" pages on Halo its actually pretty kool how he made it, if i can find a link to the article or the magazine ill scan it the only thing i didnt like about it was the legs lookd awkward from the padding but even the guy said he had a problem with that because of how they walked, i forget how he said he got passed that problem id go with the honor guard though the HGCouncel looks too much like Aliens :p *goes off to do some searching*
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im going to to test fit my elite skull with animitronics for the mouth to open and close. then once i make a skin for it then i'll play around with the emotion of the face
leegrisham said:
Sounds promising link - this file of nuggets.... the elite is part of it? It's not just armor?

Its the elite and the armour. If you go to the objects box, you can select wich ones you want to pep. IT has EVERYTHING. The elite and all the armour. All seperate so you can take any parts you want.
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I am going to talk to nugget and see if he minds me having a gander at that file.

Also do you guys think the honor guard or honor guard councilor looks coolest?

I like them both... just can't decide.
I saw you found my Elite pack. If you decide to use it, know these things:
--It's basic Halo CE Elite armour.
--Scale is screwed up on some pieces (I know rachciav [is she still here?] started some and said the helmet was too small, among other things).

I recommend the Honour Guard, simply because very few will recognise the Councilor. I didn't even know there was a Councilor, or that he could glitch into the game. I agree with redragon74: Councilor is too much like an Alien queen.

I trimmed nuggets model and im just working on the chest head and helmet. I want to see if i can scale it so my head sits in the neck. But I dont plan on making this until I finish peping my huyabusa.
Garland said:
I saw you found my Elite pack. If you decide to use it, know these things:
--It's basic Halo CE Elite armour.
--Scale is screwed up on some pieces (I know rachciav [is she still here?] started some and said the helmet was too small, among other things).

I recommend the Honour Guard, simply because very few will recognise the Councilor. I didn't even know there was a Councilor, or that he could glitch into the game. I agree with redragon74: Councilor is too much like an Alien queen.

What do you mean too small? Too small for a human head or for an elite?
Also I think I will go with the HG I like the colors better.

smilie120 said:

I trimmed nuggets model and im just working on the chest head and helmet. I want to see if i can scale it so my head sits in the neck. But I dont plan on making this until I finish peping my huyabusa.

That looks freaking sweet... really freakin sweet... with that you could pep alien and armor - it would give such an excellent base to make alien body/skin
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Hey can i have those two models? I could use the elite head for my mannequin......head problemo solved if you could please provide it. Thanks!
Honor Guard Source Pics
I found a few pics of the honor guard to use for my source when I start designing this.
I'm going to draw out some templates for these ornate designs and armor additions.
Just draw and design one side the trace and cut out the other, I suppose then the best thing to do would be glue it to standard armor pep, and fiberglass it all together, adding extra layers to the decorations since they would be prone to receiving damage.

I also think that using an honor guard model will greatly suit my needs - since I wasn't planning on using animitronics or making an extremely realistic face - in two major ways.
<blockquote>The helmet comes down and covers most of the face.</blockquote>
This will allow me to make the helm/face as one non-moving piece. Then I can cut out some holes so I can see and just put some kind of colored visor there to make it resemble eyes or something.
<blockquote>Honor Guards are usually trained to be silent and still.</blockquote>
This will remove the need for moving jaws because he should be making any sounds... right?

So in short, hopefully I can just design/detail/create the helmet with a face attached and be done.
That is of course pending I learn some way to use animitronics and a way to make a convincing Elite face.

As an Idea, you add raised shoes that point downward giving a "front"
effect. Then have a thigh piece that pushes past your knee a little bit.
That might do it.

on my design the jaw well be attached to the skull with a skin over that then the armor
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