Far East regiment?

I live in Hong Kong and I would like to know if there is an HK or Chinese regiment.
I don't live in any of the regiments already existing.
If there does not exist one, how are they created, if I can create one, or I'm considered a Lone Wolf?
Currently our our Far East Regiments are Australia, Singapore and New Zealand. Based on The Mantle's definition of a Regiment you require a minimum of ten active members within a geographic region that would like to be recognized as a Regiment. To create on you'd just have to gather ten like minded folks and submit an application through the Requests tab of the forum. If you need some help just give a shout!

The Mantle for reference.

Requests forms for reference.
Who wants a Chinese Regiment(battalion)?
As TurboCharizard said
Currently our our Far East Regiments are Australia, Singapore and New Zealand. Based on The Mantle's definition of a Regiment you require a minimum of ten active members within a geographic region that would like to be recognized as a Regiment. To create on you'd just have to gather ten like minded folks and submit an application through the Requests tab of the forum. If you need some help just give a shout!

The Mantle for reference.

Requests forms for reference.
I need at least 10 active members.
Anyone that lives in China please comment that you do.
I live in Hong Kong part of China.
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