First Build, CQB Mjolnir Variant

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New Member
I am building halo armor in preparation for Acen this year. I have the entire project mapped out so far, including using pepakura, resin, and urethane plastic, but i'm completely stumped about how to make the weird shaped visor. I have the visor's pepakura file, which i've printed out, but the ideas i've come up with have only been casting a clear visor, which wouldn't look too cool. Does anyone have any ideas?
For visor that are shaped in very odd ways (ODST, EVA, CQB), people will usually go through the hardening stage, cut out the visor, then use a vacuforming table to make the visor. There are guides floating around on how to make vacuform tables and how to make the visor bucks. From my understanding, the visor are made using a kind of plastic called PTEG, but someone with morw knowledge on the subject can probbaly point you in a better direction. Hope this helps and happy building.
You actually don't have to make a weird shape for CQB. Just make the helmet, and insert the visor behind it, so you get the correct shape. But you'll have to put something between your visor and your face so you it doesn't hurt you and make you uncomfortable. Also, in doing this, you will need your helmet to be a bit bigger than usual, so that it retains correct scale. And I've heard of a "double visor technique" but have never used it.

Just do a bit more research, and also search it on YouTube. You should find some answers there.
Thanks for your help! Though, i've been thinking about dying a plastic the color i want, and then casting the visor so that it'll fit.
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