Mjolnir mk vii armor build


New Member
Mini progress post just so I have a build log lol. I have the slowest printer known to man so printing the actual armor is going pretty slowly. Currently have the handplates (had to print these twice cause I messed up the scale), knees, front part of the shins and like 1/4 of a helmet that is probably going to need to get reprinted lol. Had a problem with one of the shins where a few of the layers near the bottom under-extruded so it would sway when printing the top layers. Thankfully there was no layer drift and everything turned out fine with some extra glue, but I did have a bit of a scare at 5 am when I woke up to the sound of cracking filament -_-
Most of my progress has been sewing up a base for a tech suit. Not a big fan of body suits, so I drafted out and sewed up a simple long sleeve shirt and pair of leggings that I'll add details to later. Also made my first pair of gusseted gloves which was an absolute nightmare. Very happy with how it turned out, but for now I only have one since I am hardcore procrastinating making the other -_-
This was mostly just a test to see if everything fit right so none of the prints have been sanded or anything and were duct taped onto the leggings and glove. So rough start, but I'm just happy stuff fits and I haven't needed to reprint anything major (knock on wood).
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Looks like it's going rather swimmingly overall! Are you planning on taking the suit to a con or something? If not I wouldn't rush it, not only for the enjoyment of building but for the quality of the build when it's done.
Also good on you for making your own techsuit, they really add to the overall finish of the build in a great way.
I'm very curious to see how your build progresses, best of luck!
Looks like it's going rather swimmingly overall! Are you planning on taking the suit to a con or something? If not I wouldn't rush it, not only for the enjoyment of building but for the quality of the build when it's done.
Also good on you for making your own techsuit, they really add to the overall finish of the build in a great way.
I'm very curious to see how your build progresses, best of luck!
I'm not making it for any specific con, but I'd like to take it to a convention eventually! My goal is to finish it by like September.
I'm not making it for any specific con, but I'd like to take it to a convention eventually! My goal is to finish it by like September.
Done by September? That’s plenty of time, if you stay consistent with it and just get a bit done here and there you’ll be flying!
As a fellow MK VII enjoyer I can't wait to see your progress! I look forward to seeing what details you will do for the undersuit! I need all the ideas I can get.
Looks good so far! Just had layer shift on one of my prints for the first time out of all the armor pieces I’ve printed, and of course it’s on one of the larger pieces of the chest piece lol. I’m in the process of making a MK VII as well. Keep up the good work!
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