For My Tundra Spartan(S)

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Jr Member
Hello 405th Token here and i could really use your help with a few things,

So i was getting to thinking, theres no Snow/Tundra Spartans. UNTIL NOW!!!!!! i love snow and halo so why not mix the two. My first design is going to be my sniper class tundra spartan. BUT i have a plan, i would like to combine my two favorite helmets into one. ODST with the EOD gas mask and a few other elements from it. But then i look at the Scout Permu and it looks more sniper-esque. If i could draw something up, could someone make me a .PDO for me for the EODST helmet? BACK TO ACTION!!!! I plan to make the color scheme and print of black silver/grey and white. I also plan on using bits of a ghillie suit like Jun has on his suit. I would like to make two magnatized magnums so they would actually just stick to the sides of my spartan. As soon as i can get my design sketched up ill most definitely post it.






so many choices.....

EDIT:Thank you A_Guardian :D
If you could somehow combine E.O.D. and scout, that would be kinda cool looking.

And i dont think you can do a thread like this.

Its an indecision thread, and against the rules.

Ask me how i know. ;)
The part where you say, "which do you think would be more logical/easier/creative "

I put something like that into one of my threads and it got locked for indecision.

Just letting you know.
Hey there. I think a snow/tundra Spartan is a great idea. I'm behind it, as I live in Alaska and that kind of environment surrounds me!

I think an all white color scheme with light blue highlights would be ideal. Maybe a silver visor instead of a gold?

I can't really help with the combo helmet model. I think you'll be hard pressed to find someone to make a completely custom model for someone else like that. You're best bet is probably to try and scale the different helmet pep files similarly and try and get them together, or model it yourself. Either way you're looking at a good handful of work. I wish you luck. I think custom builds are the best kind.

Also I have thought about (and plan to incorporate) the magnets in the thighs for the magnums. It only makes sense!
i was thinking about either a blue or silver visor. and about the magnet thing, it hit me like a ton of bricks and now working on finding good enough magnets lol
wow thanks nick those are too bad in price considering how many you get. ill bookmark these but im not looking for anything ridiculously strong, just strong enough to for me to pull and put back on.
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