Forged Maps

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Well-Known Member
I decided to make a thread about maps people have made. I haven't seen any threads on this so here goes. Me and my friend spent about two hours forgeing a mongoose/warthog (puma) track on sandbox. here is the link to the map. You kind of have to play in forge, because it is on the top level. Half credit goes to Taz62 for helping me.

Feel free to post any maps you have made that you would like to show off.
im sure there are countless threads about forged maps, but im too lazy to search. i would use for map help
My friends and i made a platform on the top tier in sandbox and covered it in grenades and spawn points and every warthog you could fit on it. the whole point is to shove other people off the platform with your hog.
did i mention randomly spawning man cannons?
i actually did make a symmetric map the other day on Sandbox, its in my fileshare if anyone cares to look, my gamertag is IXI dmtgm IXI

I not L

There is also a great map, can't remember its name but the description reads "what was once a construction site is now a war zone"

I'm currently working on another map called Dog Fite, i think you can guess what it is. I would've named it "Dog Fight" but it is already taken so i had to resort of incorrect spelling.
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