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Jr Member
It's that time of year again. The time of senseless money wasting to build companies income before the New Year. But I digress. I am happy with my haul this year. Here's what I got:

Xbox 360 Elite :D
Halo 3 :cool:
Boxing Gloves
And some clothes.

What did you guys get?
You're just getting Halo 3 and a 360 now?!

That's crazy, man!

I got books, Dark Knight, M&M's with me and my girlfriend's faces on them (weird, right?) and some other things.

Nothing too exciting, at least not to you guys. :p
Ion Drumset, Ipod Touch, board games, an amazing iron man nerf gun and blanket, awesome clothes, and an optimus prime (and randomly assorted other stuff) =D
A new wacom intuos tablet
clothes (very expencive shirt with sweater)
and a bottle of champagne.

And lots of kisses :p
I gooooot:

K2 Sonic bindings
LTD Snowboard boots
K2 Helmet (has speakers and a 1/4 connector)
Bollé Goggles
A computer mouse (extremely comfortable; hurray for ergonomics!)
2 pairs of socks :)

Those socks are CRAZY comfortable! Snowboard will be coming at boxing day tomorrow :]P
@ Dungbeetle

Oh, is there another thread like this? I could not find it. If there is, please do merge this thread with that one.

@ Papamurf

Yeah, I have been living off Halo 2 for too long now. I just never could get the money together. Apparently it cost 1/2 as much as our house payment.
Custom Mandalorian Helmet for a future costume made for me by brother:



Laser Tag Plasma Pistols and Plasma Rifle for the Master Chief/Caboose costume.

i ended up getting a PS3 80gig, with a high def cable so i can hook it up to high def TV's =D
rock band 2
a couple DVD's
and a new cell phone.

all in all a REALLY great haul =D especially seeing as i would have been happy with just the PS3 >_< haha
waterNIG said:
i got a 1997 twin turbo supra and gas

Dude that's awesome
I got the money to get a s13 hatch and maybe coilovers
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A Bottle of Johnny Walker Black,
1 litre of Black lable Vodka,
A Copy of Halo 3 (All I need now is a Xbox :cautious: )

And I got myself a pre Xmas present of "The Art of Halo 3"
1ManBattalion said:
A Bottle of Johnny Walker Black,
1 litre of Black lable Vodka,
A Copy of Halo 3 (All I need now is a Xbox :cautious: )

And I got myself a pre Xmas present of "The Art of Halo 3"

Where did you pick up the Halo 3 artbook? I want it :eek:
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i got like, clothes, money, The second halo book, and a home cinema-sound system! :D
Also, i bougth Naruto 2, Broken bonds as a present to myself, BUT the girl in the counter forgot to scan it, so i got it for free!
Now i have money to Halo wars, Skate 2, a new processor too! Life is gr8 somtimes.... :D
A couple of decks of playing cards, some giftcards, a camelback, and a brand spankin' new dremel are the only things worth mentioning. And they are all schweet! ^.^
Halo 3 boxers
The Dark Knight
Gamestop giftcard
Batman pez dispensers
subscription to GameInformer (wife thought I needed it)
plus all the things I bought myself early
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