H2 Odst - A Noobs Construction Log

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New Member
Hello everyone, this is my very first Topic, I recently joined the 405th and I read and saw the noob help stuff, very helpful btw, thx elites! ^^ Anyways, I just wanted a taste of what armor building REALLY is. I downloaded the Pepakura Halo 2 ODST Helmet due its simplicity and easy assembly. Its still nothing special, or nothing at all. What do I mean by this? Well, it wasnt printed in decent hard material, Im making it in normal print paper. Then you must be thinking "Then whats the point?" Like I stated before, this is really just for me to have an idea of armor printing, using Pepakura, folding, gluing and overall shaping, and its working pretty well may I had! The build is going well and it will be probably finished tomorrow. Not to make it COMPLETELY useless, ill build a armature underneath the full helmet with normal electric wire to give it some actual stability.

Pics are down there in earlier replies ->

Just for the record: Im not making actual armor yet, just testing and flushing out the noobiness outta me, Constructive Criticism and helpful opinions are appreciated!

Thx for viewing and stay tuned! 405TH HURRAH!
While I would not recomend making one out of normal paper pep practice is a very good idea. Making it from normal paper is usually not good considering the warping actually makes it harder to build in the long run. You do have the right idea. The only way to become a veteran is to show that you are no longer a noob which is done through practice.

Now that I am done complementing you I am going to warn you. I looked at your post all of them were like "thats Amazing" which is generally annoying because we all no that the things are amazing. Also this thread is BAD no one really wants to hear about your nooby builds untill you have progress and pictures on an actual suit (or a question that can't be answered with the search button). In the mean time good luck, read the stickies, and try not to be a n00b.
i see your point, I guess even I wouldnt care if I saw a post like this one if it didnt had pics... well, today it will have some.I guess im trying to be more active in the whole community, trying to get some pro tips, but I guess I dont need a Topic for that. Just one thing, why dont like compliments? Yeah sure, you know its amazing, but I mean...everyone likes a compliment right? and truly think hard work should be recognized, no?
And here comes the first pics, cutting, gluing, folding and overall assembly. Plz comment and give a constructive opinion.


Yeah, just use the edit button. What I think the compliments problem is if you just have to say, "that's awesome!" or AMAZING! don't bother posting. If you have an idea, or you see something wrong, THEN post. BTW: good pepping. very clean. AS far as the folds, I think you're "over folding." Score it with the back of a knife, or take a ruler and run the pen over it. Bend it just a little. Each piece will establish the curve, and it will be perfect in the end. Good job though, hope to see some updates sometime soon.
i see your point, im currently using a marker pen end, why? dunno, just pulled it out of the pen can xD, I knew before entering the whole 405th thing that folding paper is usually better done with a ruler or blade, but this things really come in handy! but ill take your advice. thx

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