Halo 3 CAD/3D Helmet Model Source?

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Well-Known Member
I've been looking around, and I can't find a source for a nice, detailed CAD model of the Mjolnir helmet from Halo 3.
This bothers me, it makes me very, very angry.

But hey, I figure one of you knows where one is. Right? Right..? :D
i have one ive been working on for pepakura, the pdo file is linked to my sig, i also have the .3ds original, if you have aim, my SN is dannifood4less ,lol

this thread should be updated soon i hope. :)

uhh or flying_squirl has a great one but i dont know if hes making it available yet
hope this helps, and next time, you should use the search tool first, im sure someone eventually will get on ya about that if you dont, so just a heads up..
good luck!
I made a very detailed Halo 2/3 helmet awhile back, however the .max file crashed and I could never recover it >.>.

I planned to release it, but once it crashed I was quite dissapointed, I guess I will have to work on other armor pieces once I get the time.

Keep a look out ;-) .

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