My FanFic so far:
My HUD flickered to life as my on-board computers booted up. My body suit warmed up and I felt my suit adjusting to 20 Celsius. My BR55 Battle Rifle’s Ammo Counter started up and I ran a quick check of all my systems.
“All systems go, Sarge”, said the man next to me. He was clad in ODST Body Skin-the suit of the ODST’s, the UNSC’s Elite Paratrooper unit. I am part of the unit known as the Helljumpers. The intercom squealed and I listened.
“Will a Staff Sergeant Jeeroy Lenkins report to the Brig, over?”, said the voice over the ship’s intercom. The room about me was open. Marines and Techies walked around, talked, and worked on UNSC vehicles. A Techie sitting on a Scorpion Main Battle Tank cursed as a fuse lit up and burned his hand. The intercom squealed again and I listened once again.
“ODST’s report to the Briefing Room, ASAP.”
I slung my rifle over my back and started walking towards the Briefing Room. The ship’s halls were wide and I took my time. By the time I reached the Briefing Room, a few others had already made it.
“Welcome, Helljumpers!”, said the Commander. I looked around and saw a few familiar faces and a few not-so-familiar faces. I saw Corporal Jersey and walked over to him.
“Hey Jersey”, I said. Jersey looked up and said hi. The Commander started talking. He talked about the mission, which was a hot jump into a Covenant-controlled sector of a planet.
As we headed out, I walked next to Jersey.
“Any idea about this op?”, I asked.
“Nah, I don’t know nothing.”, he answered.
I walked towards the HEV pod room, and found my pod. I hit the button on the outside to open it up and walked in. I sat down on the comfortable seat and strapped myself in. My rifle sat on the right along with one thousand rounds of various weapons. I had my BR55 and a M90 Shotgun. I also had two M7 Caseless SMGS above me, with two mags for each. I looked at my computer in the HEV, and re-read the briefing and studied the maps. I could see that a huge ravine was our main landing zone.
“2 minutes to fire HEVs”, said the Commander over the radio. I re-checked all of my gear through an electronic checklist. All clear. I fired up the radio system and pinged my “acknowledged” sign.
“Clear to fire….30 seconds!”, said the Commander over the radio. I tightened my straps and the butterflies and knots came in.
“Firing in 10 seconds”, said the Commander. I counted silently in my mind. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, fire! My HEV pod buckled and fired. It screamed through the atmosphere as fire built up and raged against my pod. I hit the “auto-pilot” button my screen. I felt the HEV pod start to heat up. The screen’s heat gauge read 25 Celsius. It increased slowly. I could feel the HEV start to slow down.
The HEV shook as the parachute was deployed. I looked at the altitude gauge. It read 700 meters. The HEV shook violently as it passed by a Phantom Dropship. A scream was heard over the radio as a Helljumper was burned from the intense heat of his HEV.
The HEV read 50 meters and the parachute fell off. I braced for impact as the HEV fired into the ground with a bone-crunching thump.
“Go, go, go!”, yelled the Commander. I hit EJECT on the door of my HEV, and it popped open into a observing Grunt. It kicked him over a precipice into the ravine. I picked up my BR55, slung my M90, and tucked my M7s into my dual holsters. I did a 180 sweep and found no immediate contacts, and I loaded up on ammo. I decided to drop the M7s, ammo for them and the holsters. I ran forward. The plateau we landed on was above the ravine we were supposed to land in. I saw another Helljumper, his tags read him as SSGT Martin Langely. I jogged over to him.
“Hey, let’s get down the ravine!”, I said. Martin’s helmeted head turned towards me.
“No, I have orders to wait until a special reinforcement arrives here.”, he said.
“Who is this?”, I asked.
“Master Chief.”, he said slowly.
I immediately thought of the stories I’ve heard of him. People portrayed him as a souless cybernetic freak. I personally thought of him as a great warrior. A HEV pod screamed through the atmosphere and I saw it’s parachute deploy. It looked like it was coming towards us.
A Jackal chattered in his native tounge behind me. I ducked, and a Plasma bolt barely missed me. My training came in effect, as I grabbed my Combat Knife, spun around and dove on the thing. His Personal Energy Shield collapsed and I stabbed my Knife into his weak bird-like skull. It collapsed under the pressure and I heard a stomach-churning craaack. Martin was already over me and covering.
“Jackals always travel in pairs,” I said. I stood up, and pointed my M90 in the direction of what sounded like motion. I carefully rounded the corner of Martin’s HEV and saw him. His beady eyes turned into pure hatred. I squeezed the trigger and the M90 delivered a face-full of lead into the enemy. His head was taken off and disintegrated.
“Hunter-Killer, team, eh?”, asked Martin.
“Yes, this one has a Beam Rifle”, I answered. I peered to the right of the Jackal’s corpse and saw a scorched Plasma Pistol. It was overcharged and Plasma was leaking out of it. The HEV pod was coming close.
“Down!”, I yelled. I ducked and covered my head.
The HEV’s front cover popped off and the Master Chief stepped out. I stood up and saluted him. He nodded at me and I
EH, you had to make me reveal it!