Help ME IM A NOOB!!!

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New Member
Ok Here the deal im trying to make a master chief helmet for my son hes 12. l . but i have no expirence doing this at all .So if you could all help me with step by step instructions and the materials i need ( my budget is 50 bucks).

<div align='right'></div>thx

Also id prefer do use the base ball helmet way
First off, good luck

I would say you should stick with pepakura. Their is a forum with lots of info on this subject. Fifty dollars is kindof a tight budget for this project because for the resin, body filler, paints and such you will need for this project will most likely run your budget.

Myself included some people are shocked at the expense of a quality helm. I am sure you could cut costs some depending on what your kid wants.

My biggest piece of advice is just check the stickies..
Digital Demise said:
First off, good luck

I would say you should stick with pepakura. Their is a forum with lots of info on this subject. Fifty dollars is kindof a tight budget for this project because for the resin, body filler, paints and such you will need for this project will most likely run your budget.

Myself included some people are shocked at the expense of a quality helm. I am sure you could cut costs some depending on what your kid wants.

My biggest piece of advice is just check the stickies..
what would be the estimated cost ?
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