How Do You Make It Waterproof?

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Jr Member
I have seen several things here that have a cardboard base, and was wondering what a good waterproofing method was? Can it be done? Is it a special paint? Do you wrap it in plastic wrap? -(thats a joke) Or do you just try and keep it out of the rain? I was going to try and do a thread search, but it seems that not everything made it over. I wanted to make a spiker out of a nerf gun with some cardboard (just need the gun) but I don't want to get it wet if it'll disolve.
One method is to coat the cardboard with polyurethane. This will give the cardboard a coating that will keep all water out. But be sure to coat the inside and the outside with polyurethane, or it will be useless.
Thank you, I was wondering how it would work. I was midly afraid that it would be a 'nice day only' kinda deal.
Also, you can resin the entire piece. A thin layer of resin coating the entire thing will also waterproof it. Unfortunately, resin is also toxic, so definitely wear your respirator when you are using it and make sure you are in a well ventilated area.

But I know many of our members are unable to use resins because of parents, toxic fumes not ideal in apartments, or other reasons. If thats the case, shippox's method may work the best. Smooth-on's polyurethane products are very good, and most, if not all are non-toxic and give off little to no odor. Though its normally not cheaper than resin. But it does work better, and its stronger. Pros and cons either way. So its really up to you.
I just coat it in a thin coat of Resin when all the fiber-glassing, bondo-ing, and sanding is complete. works remarkably well IMHO.
Resin will make it waterproof.

If you don't mind a little shine, I think clear coat will provide a waterproof cover as well.
I do have to go with the non toxic approach, I can do it in a well ventilated area but I don'tthink the strata would like it if I used the common back yard where kids play in to do toxic stuff.
No lol i don't think they would. Any of the above approaches will work well...

Polyurethane, aqua resin, and clear coat are all non-toxic approaches to this problem :]
And with the polyurethane and clear coat, you can just spray 'em on. There are also matte/flat versions of clear coat to get rid of that shiny gloss shine you'll end up with.
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