Marathon Armor Build

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GO GO GO GO! Flashbang Through the door! Sprint to the finnish! Nice work Soap....Oh! Um COLMAN!!!! GOOOO DONT READ YOU THREAD GOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!
Good luck with it.

I personally don't see it being done, but with the right amount of practice, speed, and hopefully, barrelfull after barrelfull of luck, maybe it can be done.

Just remember you've got to hold it in for almost 72h

Hold it...

I think it's possible... i'm a pep guru master (I have calluses from holding my scissors)

As long as you're not doing FS's helmet and torso it's doable.
Finished the left thigh


And I hit alittle snag, I ran out of tape. Does elmers school glue work?
No hot glue? Sad face. : ( It'll take a lot longer for the folds to glue with elmer's but I think it would work. I can't remember if it's dissolved by resin or not. sir, are have a nice supply of energy drinks?
one question though...what's your motive to build it in 2.5 days???
just to say you can? :lol:
BTW why do you keep checking here you should be folding, cutting glueing etc!!!
print cut fold glue.. cut fold glue.. cut fold glue.. cut fold glue.. cut fold glue.. cut fold glue..

lol... long process but i bet you can do it
well since youre are doing just the basic models i think the only things that are going to consume youre time the most will be the helmet and torso all the other pieces can be made in an hour each and i do recomend at least 4 hours of sleep just so your brain can reboot and your hand coordination stays with you and hwat is your motivation anyway?
I think my motivation was that I needed a gimic to inspire me to build some armor. That and school let out early so i had an extra 4 hours added onto the weekend.

Update> Finishing right bicep
Done with the right bicep


My backs killing me so Im quiting for tonight, and tackling most of it tomorrow.
smilie120 said:
GO GO GO GO! Flashbang Through the door! Sprint to the finnish!
You do know you just said Sprint towards Finland right? (Finnish=Finland, Finish=Finish line).
JOOOOOKE, no i didnt really mean this. (true tough). just wanted to annoy you :p


colmon_9 said:
Done with the right bicep
My backs killing me so Im quiting for tonight, and tackling most of it tomorrow.
I TOLD YOU TO SIT COMFORTABLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really did!
And you still made the same mistake as i did!

I wouldnt count that bicep finished in 'quality' wise... No offense.

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wow this sounds like an insane idea! (in a good way) and its modivating me to finish all the cut up pep pieces i have laying around.
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