1st Build My first Helmet


New Member
I'm kinda a newbie at all this was hoping for some tips on how to make a beginner helmet, ya know, what'll work best!
There’s a couple of options, I’m assuming it’s going to be an ODST to match the armor? Andrew DFT has a great beginner helmet tutorial that can be made of foam, otherwise there’s the Xcoser ODST helmet that would only need a repaint to fit your theme!
There’s a couple of options, I’m assuming it’s going to be an ODST to match the armor? Andrew DFT has a great beginner helmet tutorial that can be made of foam, otherwise there’s the Xcoser ODST helmet that would only need a repaint to fit your theme!
I will definitely look into it for the helmet, thank you!!
What kind of material are you wanting to work in? There are lots of files on here. I personally prefer some form of solid helmet, like resin cast or 3d print. My Fred and ODST are printed, my chief is old school Pepakura. I'm dating myself with that one lol. But foam helmets are totally doable too.
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