My pep armor progress

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i dont know i thought that too but it only looks like it at certian angles so i dont think it is that u?
well it does look a little warped but some people may not notice because remember you are posting in an environment full of people who can see and analyize any small imperfection present wear as your friends may not notice (like mine) but it just comes done to how much its going to bug you.
havent had a reply in a while so i figured id fill ya in started bondo the other day its goin ok post pics when done probably be done soon just wondered if u were still out there lol

EDIT-crackhead09 my friends probably wont notice but since im like most other people on here who are perfectionists itll bug me lol
ok guys well no 1 has replied in another week or so so im going to scrap my other helmet because it actually was completly ben out on one side and is lopsided so thhis marks helmet number 5 lol
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