My Third ODST Suit


I've decided to print another ODST suit. My 501st suit is too fragile to wear, and it isn't very comfy either. I'm aiming to make my new suit more customizable with an emphasis on mobility, comfort, and durability. I learned to print with at least three wall layers, and have increased infill density for pieces I might sit or lay on. I also need to be more patient with the painting process and let layers cure for 24 hours before taping up for the next layer.

My main inspiration for this suit from LostVikingProps on Instagram. I think his ODST suit has a perfect balance of mobility and screen accurate realism. I also love how it has less armor than the Halo 3 version, making a more customizable loadout with space for non-armor equipment.

I've decided to print another ODST suit. My 501st suit is too fragile to wear, and it isn't very comfy either. I'm aiming to make my new suit more customizable with an emphasis on mobility, comfort, and durability. I learned to print with at least three wall layers, and have increased infill density for pieces I might sit or lay on. I also need to be more patient with the painting process and let layers cure for 24 hours before taping up for the next layer.

My main inspiration for this suit from LostVikingProps on Instagram. I think his ODST suit has a perfect balance of mobility and screen accurate realism. I also love how it has less armor than the Halo 3 version, making a more customizable loadout with space for non-armor equipment.

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I’m excited to see how it comes out honestly. You know what color scheme you’re going to run?
I accidentally wasted a bunch of filament when I messed up my sizing in armor smith, but I'm happy with the Reach thigh armor I printed.

This is my current loadout. I plan on adding shin armor and knee pads later. My goal is to add as many iconic armor pieces to the loadout as possible, while leaving out armor that would cover areas I would move like my abdomen and joints.

I'm half tempted to buy a modern plate carrier for my torso instead of foam smithing a reach cuirass, I would just rig the armor to the nylon loops while leaving the lower areas exposed for gear and mobility. My 501st ODST torso is just the armor velcroed and strapped to a paintball vest, so the concept would be very familiar to me. Plus, having a plate carrier would open more options for more cosplays in different genres. Not sure yet.
I’m excited to see how it comes out honestly. You know what color scheme you’re going to run?
I'm thinking of going with a black bdu and black/grey armor with blue details. Blue's been may fav color since I was a kid.
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