New to 405th, not new to armor builds.

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This is about all ive done for the Mark vi. I caught something so im a little uner the weather lately

Very cool dude, and that chest plate does look awesome!!! I love the scratches on the front it looks so beast...Are you bondoing as well as resining???
I am new to this and although I have finished my Noble 6 I am looking for advice on the hardening process...Keep up the good work!!!
Very cool dude, and that chest plate does look awesome!!! I love the scratches on the front it looks so beast...Are you bondoing as well as resining???
I am new to this and although I have finished my Noble 6 I am looking for advice on the hardening process...Keep up the good work!!!

WEll, i resined and fiberglassed, but didnt have the fund for bondo, so i just didnt use it. I sanded as well as i could. THanks for the compliments, i love the way it came out.
WEll, i resined and fiberglassed, but didnt have the fund for bondo, so i just didnt use it. I sanded as well as i could. THanks for the compliments, i love the way it came out.

Awesome, I am almost at the hardening stage with my helmet, and since I have limited funds as well I was wondering what no bondo looked like, can't wait till your's is done!
You know, its ironic. I love days when im productive and get stuff done. I live for those days, they're what keep my going through life. Except that im so lazy, its hard to get my self to do stuff. XD

Anyway, I just fiberglassed more of the forearm, im moving at a snails pace though, so unless a miracle happens, it wont be dont be reach release. Maybe i can finish my N6 helmet by then , wear that instead.
Im all out of resin and money, so im putting the suit on hold for a little while. In the meantime im working on my weapons and misc. stuff. I've decided im planiing on using magnets to hold in the clip in my assault rifle (I'll be posting pictures below.) AND I'll be puting a magnet on the back of my suit and on in or on all my weapons so they will stick on the back like in the game. <3

I'll be sure to post a video of how well that works when i get around to do it.

I also found some tubing which i painted. For the sides of the helmet, it turned out awesome!




I was thinking about pepping an AR too, but then I thought to myself: "Wait, this is Reach, not Halo 3." So I'm stuck on whether i should or should not!?

btw, Nice Progress!
ZOMG Where did you find the tubes?! I looked all over Walmart and couldn't find anything good. Dragoncon is coming up and I'll need to find something for the helmet asap.
@ Markanator: WEll, im not peping mine, too much work trying to get it to harden and too large a chance of warping. I got a sliced model. Its much easier.

@ momoss: You can pick this tube up at any pool suply tube. Its a 1 inch tube i think.
Got a lot more work done on it. At this point im working on making it look more aesthetically appealing. Making it more rounded and kind of making it into a custom fusion of the MA5 and MA37 (New and old AR) I want it to look less and less like cardboard so im doing so.


Remove the Tape!



Your gun is soo small, its adorable!

But it looks good!

Yeah, i wanted it to be smaller cause i had very little cardboard to work with. So i'll just say its a compact tactical version. I added even more detail. It looks really sweet now! I'll get more pictures uploaded soon.
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