New to the forum... kinda

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New Member
hey guys,

I'm new to the forum, thought I would post and say hi. I've been lurking for the better half of a year.

I am in the process of modding a buzz bee plasma rifle to nearly mimic the assault rifle, all except the flashlight, gonna put a counter in it and modify the barrell.

gonna search around, but anyone off hand change the barrell and could give me a quick material list? Also, I was searching around and can't find the classified section? is it down or since I am new I can't see it yet?

but anyone off hand change the barrell and could give me a quick material list

This thread will tell you everything you need to get started.

Also, I was searching around and can't find the classified section? is it down or since I am new I can't see it yet?

Only infantrymen can see the classifieds (meaning you have 100 post or more). This keeps people away who dont care about the building process but just want armor.
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