ODST WIP (pic heavy) first build to be finished

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no problem surge! glad i could help. good luck with your build. just take your time and try to enjoy your work, dont rush anything.

as for an update, i've picked up some EVA foam for my torso part... nervous about working with foam, but i've seen a lot of amazing projects come out with it, so im hopeful... and i also picked up some craft foam for the raised surfaces on the chest and sutch. i should have some pics up by friday, my work and school hours are insane at this point in time.
thank you Mstruvmgc, im thinking about making a thread about how i battle damage my peices... i love the build you have going right now too, your rouge helmet looks amazing

anyhow, here is the Complete chest peice





im thinking about doing dutch's skull and crossbones pattern on the chest too, im not too sure about it yet... like this
i'm almost dissapointed in the lack of interest in this thread... anywho, here's a small (ish) update i've just finished. i got these boots at wal mart for only thirty dollars because i liked the tread of them, and it looked pretty accurate to whats in the game.

i then built these peices out of foam and took my time with paint and damage.

i taped off the rest of the boot exempt from the toe, and primed it, did a silver base coat, put my base for battle damage, and did a coat of black. turns out my black looks exactly like the black on the boot.

here's the end product! the boots add about two inches to my height, witch i like very much...


Thanks very much andrew.
Lack of interest you say?! That's proposterous. I have been sick, that doesn't count lol.
I am diggin the boots ya got there bud, I like what u have done to them :) can't wait to see more
im sorry to hear that Mstruvmgc :( i hope you start feeling better soon... and thank you nosaint :).... i'm going to start on my recon helmet here soon, i'm printing out my pep peices tonight and getting started. i'll probably do my tutorial on battle damage on that when it's finished... going to go with one CQC shoulder and one stock ODST (perhaps with sniper plates.....) and then the rest of the torso...
Thanks man, me too. i wanna get back to building lol. Sweet cant wait to see the TUT :)
thank you all for the kind words! i ran into a problem with the recon helmet, none of the peices aligned. i had the proper curvature with them and all, but the peices did not line up at all. i might just make a dutch helmet, seeing as i already have the goldish orange seccondary color. if not, ill use my stock odst helmet i have already pepped.
Well that sucks, but its okay, you have backup plan just in case :)
either way you go, im looking forward to it
so i just started my larger ODST helmet... and it looks like it will fit much better!!!



ill probably have the pep work done by friday... and im looking at tactonyx's pistol and SMG, i'll probably be buying one of both off of him, if not both then just the pistol... also, sorry for the double post, but nobody else is commenting, so i hope you'll understand... :)
Haha, the post you replied to was a double post, I posted it the first time and didn't know how to add the pictures until a couple hours later so I got no traffic xD! Looks like a nice fit man!
Lol in the picture about it looks like the helmet is eating ur face.
Pep is lookin good so far though :) can't wait to see it done
thanks okioneshot! it looks like this one will be a perfect fit compared to the other helmet i did (rundown's model) and too true Mstruvmgc... NOOO MY HEAD! and thank you! i try to make my pep as clean as possible, but it still dosent look as good as others on here... oh well, with practice comes perfection
Another double post here, i am sorry.... :/ dont crucify me!!! :p
didnt finish it yesterday, but its close!

you can see how much bigger this one is than the old one... looks like a perfect fit!

the clips are still in it, so it gives a good idea of how it sits on my head... i liiike!
Sizing looks fabulous man, keep up the great work. doesnt it feel weird with all those clips in it?
thanks man! yeah, it feels a tad weird, but thats just so i know it fits. and here it is the finished product! im going to do a coat of rondo on the inside, and then apply the parts for the Dutch/Heavy unit, and i might apply a comm unit on there from a scratch build


let me know what you think!
yes, another double post... im starting to feel lonely :/ ah well. i did a coat of rondo on the inside of the helmet, and started pepping my CQ shoulder. and heeereeee it iss!


the sizing is perfect, it hangs down from the shoulder and elbow a bit as you can see here

so i think i got the scale perfect on that one as well. for my next shoulder i'm thinking about doing the standard ODST shoulder plates, but with the sniper plates on top, it gives it an epic layered look and just bulks out my shoulder an immense amount i would think. up to come is my ODST HEAVY attachments for the helmet and maybe the comm unit as well...
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