Odst wip

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New Member
This is an ODST helmet I'm doing with a friend at the same time as my scout armor. I figured it would maximize my resources to do both at the same time.


It's a little warped.
Dude, can I ask which way you put the helm together? Like any specific starting and finishing points. I'm going through the same motions, just finally completed my practice run and I think I went about it all the wrong way!

Mint pep work though, grats :D
My first helmet i started at the top and bottom, joined them together and added the visor last. NOT recommended, ever. This time I started with the small pieces and worked them individual till their edges were simpler, then starting at the top front, worked my way to the back. Its still not where I want to be in terms of quality, but I think both will work for now.
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