ODST Youtube video

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New Member
OOOOAAAH HELLJUMPERS! This is Sergeant William Steel (aka Halo geek from Canada) and I'm in the baby steps of making a youtube vid.DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP, this video isn't your typical fan made short action film, it's just your regular hardass ODST sergeant. I plan to be wearing a standard black ODST shirt, black army hat and pants. I have some plans for what I can do in the video, but I really appreciate criticism and ideas.
odstvid.jpeg odst1.jpeg marine.jpeg
You get the idea... this is what i'm going for.
I'd suggest watching a bunch of the documentaries on US special forces training. Pay special attention to how the Cadres (instructors) interact with the trainees. Full Metal Jacket is a good indicator of what basic training is like, but special forces indoctrination is a beast all of its own. Since it's ODSTs, I'd focus on units with an airborne mission, like Air Force Pararescue here.
A lot of stuff the WW2 Paratrooper trainees went through is very similar to ODST training too. The first episode of Band of Brothers is a really good example. The practice jumps, much harder PT, sense of elitism, etc.
YOU READ MY MIND ROOSTER!!! I'm talking "THIS IS MY RIFLE THIS IS MY GUN, THIS IS FOR FIGHTING THIS IS FOR FUN!".But ya i'll definitely be using a lot of airborne ranger cadences and I'll make sure to represent the ODST's well. THANK YOU SOLDIER!!!
I strongly agree with you combinestrider. I gotta lot of respect for the rangers, they definitely do LEAD THE WAY!. THANK YOU FOR THE FEEDBACK SOLDIER!
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