Props Pep Sniper Rifle Made With Endoglassing Done! Pics!

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This is the sniper i made with the endoglassing technique, srry i didnt get pics, check the spartan laser post to c how its done. I dont mean to take away from black roses progress but i started this a while ago and just recently got the paints to finish it. Its got fiberglass on the inside, so its more than strong enough, also the barrel rins through the entire gun and is secured with fiberglass, so its sturdy too.
Q's are always welcome.

Me in my 1st suit with rifle

Its real scale

The rifle

Main body

Back scope painted green for the "screen"

Front of scope painted gold

Down the barrel
MasterBest1 said:
Wow! Looks really cool! Wasn't it hard to make?

It took time, but in terms of difficulty, it wasnt that hard. there was alot of add libing tho

Confucious T said:
That a dam good job! Gotta find out what this endoglassing technique is.

I came up with endoglassing myself. You can see it demonstrated in the actave progress thread of my pep spartan laser
project. it is a WIP check it out! and when i get done with it im planning a tut. for it

rvb4life said:
Whose model did you make it with? :p

i think i know the answer :lol:

Yours, so thanks, but we need to cut some of the pieces in some program like google sketchup cause
some of the edges overlap by alot and that makes it realy hard sometimes.

Thanks for the q's. people tell me that i enjoy talking,i guess the same's true for typing, lol
I dont mind explaining stuff ither
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Really nice job there! I actually started mine the second I saw yours when it was still a WIP. Glad to see it finished, hopefully I can get my butt into gear and get mine done. Then we can be sniper buddies!! (shArk is also makeing one full scale, so we can be like the 3 sniperteers or somethign lol)
LOL there u go! :D

I knew ud started urs l8r only when u talked about the barrel going thru the entire gun. I had never seen it done b4 and i think i was the first to post it. N e way urs looks good! less scrappy than mine did n paper. U should mix up a very thin layer of rondo on it.
Im getting the that stage but If you check out my SR thread you'll see that there are alot of things that came up and I might have to try out. If i do these thigns to my SR I'll have to put of bondoing.
looks like it could use intimate contact with sandpaper, though. It seems to be pretty rough. Smooth that up, and it'll look great.
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