Pepakura isnt cooperating?

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New Member
So I am making a costume from Mass Effect and I have been following HaloGoddess's scaling tutorial/printing, however, I ran into an issue. When I try to adjust print and paper setting from a4 to letter format my parts layout shifts ever-so-slightly that the parts end up overlapping borders....Any idea how get around that? Or should I just not adjust the setting, keep it at a4 setting and hope for the best.

Update: Ok so I was able to recalculate the parts layout but now they arent grouped up, what I mean is previously all the chest, arms, shoulders, etc. pieces would be placed nearby each other now they are in random places (ie chest parts are now, one part on page 11, 5, 83, 100, rather than being pages 26-44 are chest) :\
I ran into the same issue as you, save yourself the time and frustration by just buying A4 paper off of amazon. Those overlapping borders get VERY annoying when you have some parts overlapping multiple pieces. On my gravity hammer build (not done) I scaled everything up 10% and used letter sized paper. I had to cut out 143 parts that overlapped at least once, the most annoying piece overlapped 8 pages. As for the re-arranging thing it's just best to keep everything organized so you dont have to search for the piece every time.

Hope this helps!
It's simple to get around that. When you switch the setting to letter size, just move around the pieces to make sure none are overlapping each other. Then, if some are overlapping pages, just tick the box that says print alignment marks. You'll see it on the same screen as the page size settings. This way, when the page prints out you just cut off the edges of the paper, tape the pages together, and every overlapping piece is aligned nice and neatly giving you big clean pieces to work with. Hope this helps! :)
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