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Yeah! Don't listen to them!
I hate most people in school because they have to be a ghetto-fabulous thug with their pants so far down it looks like their in the process of being potty trained and ending up looking like a retarted hooker with no street smarts.
And the kids at my school, who are skaters, dont know if its the same every where, but, they also have their pants unbuttoned, and their skinny as hell and their pants are still baggy. wtf.
Either everyone hates my guts and my likes and dislikes one day or they actually do something about it by stealing it or trying to trash it.
This includes my armor and stuff.
I have already been in multiple fights and one kid broke his hand, fingers, knuckles, wrist, and arm, (I almost got sued)all in one punch on me, and I only had a red mark on the crown of my head for about an hour, and yet he still was acting all mighty and tried to have a couple of his peeps, or whatever the hell they call retarts now, jump me after school twice.
Once my uncle was there and scared them crapless because he knew almost everyone's dad, mom, and great aun lois and could crap on them if he wanted.
The next time, 3 of my freinds were about to jump THEM after school for all the threats.
I barely stopped them.
Still hate most of them.
Maintain a mutual hatred.
Made really good freinds with some of the people they hang out with.
Dont pay attention to them, get on with your life, and make your armor so well that they will be wondering why they arent that cool.
Show them up!
Good luck with your amror!
and sorry about the rant, had to vent..... :cautious:
And who calls who a big baby for being smart?
Pep Can be a HUGE pain, I've been doing it for a long time, and I still mess up all the time (ask jessmo >>) but you have to sit down and take your time, don't knock the whole thing out at once, but set some deadlines, 'I'm gonna work on this for [x] amount of time today.' just pace yourself and make sure all of your tabs are scored and your folds are correct, and everything is lined up properly, otherwise you could end up with something that might not be what you wanted. I've been frustrated with alot of my work (currently: my helmet) But I'm gonna keep working on it until i get to the point where I'm satisfied with it (or so fed up that i decide it's time to stop)

and about people making fun of you at school or whatever, Ignore them. I was picked on alot in school for no reason, Mostly because I was different, I still am different, Very different... <<; But anyway, that's what makes us human, our differences. Just try and ignore them to the best of your abilities, Nothing is worth fighting over, nothing really ever gets solved.

anyway, I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to seeing what you can do! See you around, and Hope everyones advice helps!
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