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Jr Member
ok so im now just starting on a halo map that is supposed to be the first level of half life 2 from the part where you get off the train till you get to dr klieners office (if you haven't played half life two you probobly can't help me ) but if you have played it could someone maybe make an overhead diagram of the train part, when barney takes you in and sets you go, and the walk to dr klieners office.

im thinking that i will have the train part, when barney takes you in and lets you out parts in the crypt of halo 3's map sand trap.
and i think i wll have the other parts in the middle part

if you could just make a quick drawing in ms paint or something labeling walls and paths and stuff that would be great.

also if you want to play my older city 17 maps (on foundry) they are on my file share (my GT is homestarMUHFIN )
spaz47 said:
I like the idea of making halo like half life 2 but is there a point to making that type of map

"it's just for walking around and seeing the stuff" or as i would say "for the lols"
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j0ey0x said:
ok so im now just starting on a halo map that is supposed to be the first level of half life 2 from the part where you get off the train till you get to dr klieners office (if you haven't played half life two you probobly can't help me ) but if you have played it could someone maybe make an overhead diagram of the train part, when barney takes you in and sets you go, and the walk to dr klieners office.

im thinking that i will have the train part, when barney takes you in and lets you out parts in the crypt of halo 3's map sand trap.
and i think i wll have the other parts in the middle part

if you could just make a quick drawing in ms paint or something labeling walls and paths and stuff that would be great.

also if you want to play my older city 17 maps (on foundry) they are on my file share (my GT is homestarMUHFIN )

There is no Crypt in Sandtrap.
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I guess u could download a map viewer, and c everything there for urself, or maybe play the game, and use noclip to get a better view.
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