Predator Masks

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Not trying to bust up you thread, just adding another option if you like....You can PEP it or just ask me for a set... I make both the full scale P1 and P2, both molds are made from the org. casting of the movie stunt molds. No BS, very true... I have had these molds for years, and been a charter mamber of the Hunter's Lair from the beginning. Several members here have seen both my work and collection. Here are pix:




PM for details...

But a PEP would be nice, the only thing is that it might be a step back from where the technology is now... We have them molded, and fully detailed, for rapid producing...
BFDesigns said:
Unfolded in 15 minutes onto 10 pages of Letter sized cardstock @ 305mm x 224mm x 181mm. 73 parts altogether.

Thanks very much for the mask .obj file!

Spartan 161 said:
Are you going to post your unfold? Some of us only have rudimentary skills in unfolding would like to see your PDO.

PLEASE POST IT! My unfolding skills Suck Eggs.........
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Spartan857 said:
Sorry for the double post.

Any news on the pep file? you gunna post it?

I wish I could, problem is that I have to have a password for Pep in order to save it as a .pdo file. If anyone has a spare password or a keygen for Pep PM me so that I can post the unfold!

EDIT: By the way, a mod out there should sticky this thread for all the future Yautja out there!
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Hey just thought I'd ask a few favors of you guys. I'd like to know where copies of this model end up if you could. I know it's an extreme request but I'd like see some of the builds it's used for. Also, if anyone finishes one I'd like to see it. Throw me a PM for this stuff.
Predato bio Unfolded

heres an unfolded file of your bio. I posted the obj on the pep requests and MKS unfolded it really fast and it look phenomenal.

He accidently marked it as mine, but I posted I took no credit that it was a model made by someone else.

Mad props to you and MKS.
BFDesigns said:
I wish I could, problem is that I have to have a password for Pep in order to save it as a .pdo file. If anyone has a spare password or a keygen for Pep PM me so that I can post the unfold!

EDIT: By the way, a mod out there should sticky this thread for all the future Yautja out there!

or you could post the download link in the pepakura requests topic. They have a list of all pep stuff
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rundown said:
or you could post the download link in the pepakura requests topic. They have a list of all pep stuff

Yeah, unfortunately license generators are generally a few degrees away from legal. That's why it wasn't posted in the Pep requests.
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